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(一)1分钟热身小练 1. ________(我) am a teacher. 2. My father is talking with _______(我) . 3. ______ are Chinese. (我们) 4.Her sister is helping _______(我们). 5. _____ are a beautiful girl (你). 6. _____ are students (你们). 7. ___ is a cat (它是一只猫). 8. ____ (他们) are listening to the radio . 9. ______(他) often plays basketball after school . 10. My dog likes _____. 我的狗喜欢她 。 (三)反身代词练习 1. My classmate, Li Ming, made a card for _________ just now. 疑问代词 What/who/which Whatever/whoever/whichever How many people are there in China? _______ is the population of China? _______ far is it from here to Beijing? ____is the distance from here to Beijing? 指示代词的句法功能 指示代词主要有四个,即this, that, these 和 those。它们在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 This is my book.(主语) I want that.(宾语) My book is that.(表语) I like that dress.(定语) * 代词: 是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词 具有名词和形容词的功能。 什么是代词呢? 代词:用来代替名词或名词短语的词类。 分类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、 指示代词、相互代词、不定代词、 疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词。 一、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词: 反身 代词 名词性 物主代词 形容词性物主代词 宾 格 they you we it she he you I 主 格 me you him her it us you them my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs my-self your- self him- self her- self it- self our- selves your- selves them- selves I me We us You You It They He her (二) 用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空? 1. I can’t find ____ sandwiches. Can I have one of ____ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget ____ book. And you mustn’t forget ____ . 3. George has lost(丢失) ____ pen. Ask Mary if she will lend him ____ . 4. We are having ____ dinner; are they having ____ ? 5. The teacher wants you to return that book of ____ that she lent you. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of ____ are coming to see us. 7. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ____ . my yours his yours his hers our theirs hers theirs ours 2. Bad luck! I cut _________ with a knife yesterday. 3. They tell us they can look after_________ very well. 4. My cat can find food by_________ . 5. He


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