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绵阳师范学院 本科生毕业论文 题 目 中等城市第三方物流现状分析及对策 ----以绵阳市为例 专 业 物流管理 院 系 交通运输与管理学院 学 号 0705420234 姓 名 夏林华 指 导 教 师 黄智 博士 答 辩 时 间 二○一一年四月 论文工作时间: 2010 年 11月 至 2011年 4月 中等城市第三方物流现状分析及对策 ----以绵阳市为例 学 生:夏林华 指导老师:黄 智 摘 要:随着国内国际经济快速发展的大流,我国中等城市第三方物流业快速兴起,仓储运输类企业纷纷向第三方物流企业转型。发展第三方物流,不仅能有效降低企业的运营成本,减少企业投资,降低运营风险,促进企业商品销售范围的扩大,还能更好地完成企业客户服务并且及时有效地反馈客户意见信息。通过第三方物流,企业能以最快速度、最低花费、最小损失、保质保量、准时准确地将商品从供方送到需求方手中,以使企业在市场竞争中处于领先地位。但是,由于我国产业尚处于发展初期,企业规模小,功能结构单一,高速增长与高度分散并存,市场需求An Analysis of the Situation and Countermeasures of third Party Logistics in Medium Cities ---- As Mianyang for Example Undergraduate:Supervisor:Huang Zhi Abstract:With the rapid economic development of warehousing and transportation class to a third party logistics companies are restructuring. The development of third party logistics, not only can effectively reduce operating costs, lessen business investment, reduce operating risk, and promote the expansion of the scope of corporate merchandises, but also can help to serve the customers better and get the feedback timely and effectively. Through third-party logistics, goods can be reached to the buyers on time by the fastest speed, lowest cost, minimum lost, best quantity and accurate quality, so that the enterprise can stand on the leading position in the market competition. However, due to medium-sized cities in China started late in the third party logistics industry, is still in the early stages of development. Set Mianyang for example, the common phenomenon is that small scale enterprises are the main force, the functional structure is single, scattered distribution, highly fragmented with the coexistence of rapid growth, lack of market demand and other issues. Starting from the current situation and the problems we are facing of third party logistics in medium


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