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Freezing Fruits and Vegetables HOW TO PREPARE VEGETABLES FOR FREEZING VEGETABLES PREPARATION Asparagus Pick bright colored brittle stalks that snap when broken and have tight heads. Wash and sort medium and large stalks. Discard woody and blemished stalks. Break off fibrous ends. Leave whole or cut in 1- to 2-inch lengths. Blanch medium stalks 3 minutes, large stalks (?- to ?-inch diameter) 4 minutes. Chill in ice water. Asparagus has a shorter storage life than other frozen vegetables. Should be used within 9-10 months. Beans (Green and Yellow Podded) Pick young tender beans that snap when broken. Harvest while seeds are small and tender. Wash, snip off tips and sort for size. Cut or break into suitable pieces or freeze small beans whole. Blanch 3? minutes. Chill in ice water. Beans, Lima Pick well-filled pods containing green, young tender beans (white beans are overmature). Wash, shell and sort. Blanch small and medium beans, 3 minutes; large beans, 4 minutes. Chill in ice water. Beans, Snap (Italian) Wash, snap off ends and cut or break into l - or 1?-inch lengths. Blanch 3? minutes. Chill in ice water. Beets Use garden varieties of good color and quality. Pick smooth, tender small to medium beets. Remove tops leaving 2 inches of top and wash. Cook until tender. Chill. Remove skins. Slice or dice large beets. Broccoli Choose firm, tender stalks with bright green compact heads. Discard off-color heads or any that have begun to blossom. Remove tough leaves and woody butt ends. Cut through stalks lengthwise, leaving heads 1 inch in diameter. Soak ? hour in salt brine (? cup salt to 1 quart water) to drive out small insects. Rinse and drain. Blanch 4 minutes in water. Steam-blanch 5 minutes. Chill in ice water. Pack heads and stalks ends alternately in container. Broccoli may be cut into chunks or chopped. Brussels Sprouts Pick firm, compact heads of good green color. Wash and trim. Soak ? hour in salt brine (see broccoli). Rinse and drai


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