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压汞法 孔隙度分析 Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry 关于汞(网上资源) Mercury (online resources) 关于汞安全的网上资源请看如下网站: Online resources regarding mercury safety are available at the following sites: /mercury/index.html (环保局Environmental Protection Agency) /Region1/steward/neeat/mercury/ (新英格兰环境救助队,提供汞的医疗救助信息和设备及怎样防止汞及其它废弃物的污染.The New England Environmental Assistance Team “NEEATeam”, provides medical facilities with information on mercury and how to prevent pollution by minimizing mercury and other waste) /region01/steward/neeat/mercury/disposal.html ( 汞处置选项和汞溅出处置盒 Disposal Options and Spill Kits) /msds/m1599.htm (汞安全数据表 Material Safety data Sheet) Analysis Basic Theory 浸润/非浸润Wetting/Non-wetting 接触角Contact Angle Washburn 方程 压力生成Pressure Generation 体积的电容测量Capacitance measurement of volume 基本原理 The Fundamental Principle 浸润/接触角 Wetting / Contact Angles Contact Angle : Hg on a variety of materials 毛细管现象 Capillarity Washburn 方程 压汞法 Mercury Intrusion 在颗粒之间的液态汞被压入孔中,被汞侵入的孔径是所用压力的函数. 这个特性被用来表征广泛的微粒和固体材料. The forced intrusion of liquid mercury between particles and into pores is routinely employed to characterize a wide range of particulate and solid materials. 绝大多数材料都能满足仪器对样品直径的分析要求,即样品直径应限制在2.5cm 以内(对于GT共同,为10mm以内). Most materials can be analyzed so long as the sample can be accommodated in the instrument, which typically restricts the sample dimensions to no more than 2.5cm (GT: 10mm). 我们从压汞法中能了解什么? What Can We Learn From Mercury Intrusion? 应用 大孔样品的孔径分布图 压汞实验的必要条件 Experimental Requirements 样品管(膨胀计)Cell (penetrometer) to hold the test sample. 真空/填充装置,用于从样品管和样品的孔中去除空气并将汞转移进样品管. Vacuum filling apparatus to remove air from the cell and pores within the sample and for transferring mercury into the sample cell. 压力发生器. Pressure generator 能容纳样品管的高压仓(高压腔).High-pressure vessel to contain the sample cell. 测量电路:监测汞体积的改变, 它是所用压力值的函数Measuring circuits to monitor change in mercury volume as a function of applied pressure. 液压油:传导发生器产生的压力至样品管.Hydraulic fluid to transmit the pressure fr


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