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vampire They are stronger and faster than human They won’t get old if they drink blood They have special skills :read and change human’s mind,hear sound farway,heal themselves… They could walk outside in the daytime wearing mystic rings, without getting hurt from the sunshine . Therefore, inhabitants of the town don’t belive there are vampires living around. Main actors 看吸血鬼这些单词不得不会 掐指一算,片中的吸血鬼都是活了少则几百年,多则几千年的超级“老年人”了。这些个“吸血鬼”老爷爷们的心智似乎和花样年华的人类女主差不多,被世间情爱折腾得钻心裂肺、痛彻心扉。不和年轻妹子谈恋爱的吸血鬼,不是好吸血鬼:于是忘年恋是吸血鬼主题影视剧的主旋律... May-December relationship 忘年恋 eg: When someone speaks about the May-December Romance, theyre referring to a romantic relationship in which one partner is?considerably ?older than the other partner. 当别人说起忘年恋的时候,他们是指恋爱双方中有一方的年纪比另一方大很多的情况。 恋爱如果是两个人谈似乎少了点戏剧效果。于是只要是谈恋爱,就必须要给男主角女主角编出一个情敌出来! romantic rival 情敌 eg: Stefan discovered his romantic rival is his brother. Stefan发现自己的情敌是自己的哥哥。 不管是做“鬼”的还是抓鬼的都喜欢和自己的兄弟结伴出现,DamonStefan、KlausElijah... sibling 兄弟姐妹 eg: They?look?like?the same,?so?you?can?guess?they?are?the sibling.? 他们长的很像,所以你可以猜测出来他们是兄弟姐妹。 小时候的电视剧说僵尸怕阳光、怕蒜头、怕十字架...但是随着时代与时俱进,吸血鬼们也跟上了时代!这年头的吸血鬼神马都不怕了~喝酒、抽烟、吃汉堡、晒太阳...除了木桩依旧还能戳死吸血鬼以外... stake 木桩 Let them chain me up. And let them drive a stake through my heart. 让他们把我锁起来,用木桩插进我的心脏。 Demonelena At first ,elena likes stefen confirmedly,but the plot changed since elean became a vampire. Set aside the reason first ,it is quite a good news for many fans including me who like demon. Ok ,let’s enjoy the video. HOPE YOU WILL LIKE IT THANK YOU Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Introduction “The Vampire Diaries” is an American TV series. The series follows the life of Elena Gilbert , who falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore , and soon finds herself caught in a love triangle between Stefan and his elder brother, Damon. The series also focuses on the lives of Elena’s friends and other inhabitants of the town named Mystic Falls. Evaluation only. Cr


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