chapter9 notice,cards, notes etc..ppt

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Company Profiles, Cards, Notes, Messages and Notices 日常交往是社会交际中不可或缺的一部分。比如举行婚礼、酒会、宴会、舞会等离不开发请柬;节日来临少不了寄贺卡;与朋友初次相识常常相互交换名片;长时间和朋友未能联系最好寄上一张明信片;拜访亲友不遇需要留言等等。 ??? 日常交往中所涉及的礼节性事务比较多。因此在写请柬、贺卡、明信片、留言、递名片、赠言题词等方面千万不能忽视礼节,以免被人怪罪。 Announcement(公告) 通知一般公布即将发生或已经发生之事,如宣布举行各种比赛,放映电影或录像,举办晚会,召开研讨会等等。通知的格式可按书信或备忘录的形式写出,一般应至少包含以下几部分内容: (1)时间 (2)地点 (3)活动 (4)其他细节 1.会议通知(倡议书) 一个活动通知(A Notification) 1. 系学生会搞义卖活动(benefit fair)以资助贫困孩子上学。 2. 希望大家踊跃把自己多余的school supplies和second hand books捐献出来。 3. 活动的程序。 The Students’ Union of our Dept is scheduled to hold a benefit fair on Saturday to raise money for children in the poverty-stricken Northwestern part of China. The efforts to be made are to support these children to continue their school education for the coming 5 years. The procedure goes like this: from now on the student body is kindly asked to donate some of your items temporarily not used by you and that might be of some use to others, such as some school supplies and used textbooks. Donators are welcomed to our office with their donations from 4pm to 9pm Monday through Friday and 9am to 5pm during weekends. And we will have your donations taken care of, listed and categorized. At 9’oclock this Saturday, the benefit fair starts at the conference room of our Dept. Until then we are expecting you to come to our office with you donations. And you will get what you wish to have this Saturday morning. And remember all the money will go to the support of children. Announcement Lecture on Twentieth century American Literature Speaker: Mr. Robert Woo Time: October 28, 2000 Place: Room 504, Audio Visual Center Mr. Robert Woo, Professor of English language and literature and Director of the Institute for Sino American Studies at Foreign Languages University, specialized in the study of the American literature development. Teachers and students of the English Department are warmly welcome. English Department Office Announcement (sample2) Owing to the speedy expansion o


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