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The origin and development chinese operas The operas of origin and development Preparation process China opera culture is very long, the time span of up to thousands of years. China operas, originated from the primitive dance.At the end of the Xia Dynasty, the court jester play funny fun as the main content and to perform for the occupation of the pai. The Han Dynasty, in order to show (stunts) as the representative of the folk dance emerged. The Sui and Tang Dynasties, army play popular opposition. Two song times, in the Zhejiang Wenzhou area began a new form of drama is the drama. Nanxi marks the official birth of China opera, drama has been called the father of Chinese operas. 12世纪30年代两宋之交时期,在浙江温州一带开始出现一种新的戏剧形式即南戏。南戏综合运用歌唱、对白、舞蹈等形式,来表现完整的故事情节和比较复杂的场景,标志着中国戏曲的正式诞生,南戏也由此被称为“百戏之祖”。 Yuan Dynasty, northern region also formed a new comprehensive drama art is the drama of the yuan dynasty. In Chinese drama in the history of the Yuan Dynasty, is of epoch-making significance, it is a symbol of China opera culture entered a mature stage, the emergence of a large number of ancient works, such as Guan Hanqings dou eyuan, Wang Shifus the West Chamber, Bai Pus Indus rain etc.. 元代,北方地区也形成了一种新的综合性戏剧艺术即元杂剧。在中国戏剧史上,元杂剧具有划时代的意义,它象征着中国戏曲文化进入成熟阶段,出现了一大批流传千古的优秀剧目,如关汉卿的《窦娥冤》、王实甫的《西厢记》、白朴的《梧桐雨》等。 The early Qing Dynasty, China drama to continue the development, main achievement is the rise of Legends of Ming and Qing Dynasty , the prosperity of local operas. 清前期,中国戏曲继续发展,主要成就是明清传奇、杂剧的繁荣和清代地方戏的兴起。 The late Qing Dynasty, influenced by political factors, local opera to Beijing aggregation and fusion, the formation of Beijing opera. 清朝后期,受政治因素影响,各地戏曲向京汇聚与融合,形成京剧。 * 中国戏曲 返回 *


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