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The 9th Grade English Listen Paper (20 minutes 80 fraction) LISTEN PASSAGE 1 (0﹪)You should spend about 5 minutes, listen carefully and complete this passage. Science Brings Charm to the World   On April 2, the research team of the Tienhe-1 supercomputer wasthe 2010-2011 “You Bring Charm to the World Award ,” initiated by Phoenix Satellite TV in to honor influential Chinese people.   Last year, the TH-1 supercomputer at China’s National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin was upgraded into the world’scomputer by a group of over 200 . Those who led the project are some young with an average age of 36.   The TH-1 has been developed by the National University of Defense Technology, based in Changsha. The first TH-1 was born in October 2009. It wasranked the world’s fifth fastest supercomputer and the fastest in .? On November 17,? 2010, the TH-1 beat the U.S. Jaguar supercomputer in a Top-500 supercomputer evaluation, winning China the title of the world’s No.1 in the computer .   That success became one of the top ten science news stories of China in 2010.   The TH-1 comprises 140 machine cabinets, occupying square meters of floor space. Weighing 160 tons, it is equipped with more than 23,000 CPUs and has a of 2.57 quadrillion operations per .   Currently, the TH-1 is being used infields including crude oil exploration, the production of high-end equipment and , biomedical research, animation design, engineering , remote data processing, financial risk analyses and weather forecasting. LISTEN PASSAGE 2 (0﹪)You should spend about 5 minutes ,listen carefully and complete this passage. Winter Workout Wisdom   As winter settles in, students’ declining enthusiasm for morning exercises becomes apparent. Their moans and groans can be heard as they shuffle outside. Itheir attitude is understandable, as it is getting increasingly chilly. Some of my students, however, raised concerns that it’s not healthy for


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