九年级英语 Customs and Courtesy (ppt).ppt

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Naval Traditions, Customs, Honors and Courtesy The Salute History of the salute Days of chivalry -- knights raised visors to friends for identification. Borgias Family -- assassination by dagger was common. It was customary to approach other men with raised hand. The Salute U.S. Navy carried tradition over from Royal Navy--juniors uncovered to address seniors--was shortened to the salute as it is known today. Significance of salute today Time-honored tradition of courtesy among military personnel. Expression of mutual pride and respect. Types of Salutes Hand salute Hand salute under arms Present arms Sword salute “Eyes right when passing in review Aboard Ships Reporting aboard Disembarking vessel Salute officers at the first meeting of the day. Salute the CO and all officers senior to him/her on every meeting. Aboard Small Boats Personnel in charge of boat not underway salute officers that come alongside or pass nearby. Boat coxswain salutes all officers entering or leaving the boat. Aboard Small Boats During morning or evening colors: the boat will lie to, and the coxswain and/or boat officer will come to attention and salute. All others will remain seated. During the National Anthem Not in formation and covered -- stand at attention, face the national ensign or the direction from which the music is coming, salute upon hearing the first note and hold until the last note is played. During the National Anthem In formation and covered -- formation is brought to attention/order arms. Formation commander faces national ensign or music and renders the salute for the formation. Uncovered--face national ensign or music and stand at attention. During the National Anthem If in civilian clothes--remove hat, stand at attention, place right hand over heart. These rules apply to foreign national anthems as well. National Ensign When passed by or passing the national ensign as it is being carried, or is uncased, or is in a military formation, all naval personnel


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