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High quality global journalism requires investment. Charity needs capitalism to solve the world’s problems The path we were on was unstable and unsustainable, writes Bill Clinton Charity alone will not solve the world’s problems. Capitalism can help and at the same time put people back to work. There has always been a gap between what the government can provide and what the private sector can produce, a gap charities have long helped to fill. But as our world and economies evolve, we have an opportunity and a responsibility to reconsider how to fill this gap – to rethink the relationship between economic and social challenges, so that benefits and opportunities are available to more people. Second, the financial crisis has made plain that the path we were on was unstable and unsustainable. While our global economic system has brought benefits to many, it has also exacerbated inequalities, both within and among countries. Too much inequality not only hurts the poor and stifles the dreams of the middle class, it also hinders productivity and growth.Finally, our increasing interdependence strengthens the link between our prosperity at home and prosperity abroad. It is hard to sell things people cannot afford to buy. Also, economic privation breeds political resentment with all its costly consequences. We therefore have a vital stake in the fates of others – a stake that extends beyond compassion to political stability and economic security. How do we change course, to merge social and economic progress? Haiti offers us some lessons. Earlier this month, when I travelled there to mark the second anniversary of its devastating earthquake, I could feel a palpable change in the country. Much of this has to do with the focus and drive of the new government. But a lot of it is also due to the approach of Haiti’s friends and partners – an approach driven more by empowering people and communities than by imposing external solutions. My good friend Denis O’Brien and the Digic


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