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从Java走进Scala:构建计算器DSL [大] [中] [小]  本文继续探索 Scala 的语言和库支持,我们将改造一下计算器 DSL 并最终 “完成它”。DSL 本身有点简单 — 一个简单的计算器,目前为止只支持 4 个基本数学运算符。但要记住,我们的目标是创建一些可扩展的、灵活的对象,并且以后可以轻松增强它们以支持新的功能。 继续上次的讨论…… 说明一下,目前我们的 DSL 有点零乱。我们有一个抽象语法树(Abstract Syntax Tree ),它由大量 case 类组成…… 清单 1. 后端(AST) 1. package com.tedneward.calcdsl 2. { 3. // ... 4. 5. private[calcdsl] abstract class Expr 6. private[calcdsl] case class Variable(name : String) extends Expr 7. private[calcdsl] case class Number(value : Double) extends Expr 8. private[calcdsl] case class UnaryOp(operator : String, arg : Expr) extends Expr 9. private[calcdsl] case class BinaryOp(operator : String, left : Expr, right : Expr) 10. extends Expr 11. 12. } ……对此我们可以提供类似解释器的行为,它能最大限度地简化数学表达式…… 清单 2. 后端(解释器) 1. package com.tedneward.calcdsl 2. { 3. // ... 4. 5. object Calc 6. { 7. def simplify(e: Expr): Expr = { 8. // first simplify the subexpressions 9. val simpSubs = e match { 10. // Ask each side to simplify 11. case BinaryOp(op, left, right) = BinaryOp(op, simplify(left), simplify(right)) 12. // Ask the operand to simplify 13. case UnaryOp(op, operand) = UnaryOp(op, simplify(operand)) 14. // Anything else doesnt have complexity (no operands to simplify) 15. case _ = e 16. } 17. 18. // now simplify at the top, assuming the components are already simplified 19. def simplifyTop(x: Expr) = x match { 20. // Double negation returns the original value 21. case UnaryOp(-, UnaryOp(-, x)) = x 22. 23. // Positive returns the original value 24. case UnaryOp(+, x) = x 25. 26. // Multiplying x by 1 returns the original value 27. case BinaryOp(*, x, Number(1)) = x 28. 29. // Multiplying 1 by x returns the original value 30. case BinaryOp(*, Number(1), x) = x 31. 32. // Multiplying x b


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