Section A1 unit4 课件.ppt

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What is Billy like now? What was Billy like in the past? He used to be so shy and quiet. His face always turned red when he talked to girls. He used to read in the library every day. He used to study hard and get good scores on his exams. He used to wear glasses. He used to be thin. He’s popular now. He’s big and strong. Read and fill in the column below. Task 2 Pay attention to the sentences. * * 九年级全 Section A Period One humorous silent helpful from time to time score adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 adj. 不说话的;沉默的 adj. 有用的;有帮助的 时常;有时 n. v. 得分;进球 Words Review 明星一对一 你能猜出他/她是哪位明星小时候的样子吗? Zhou Xun Lu Yi Zhang Ziyi Lu Han Today we’ll talk about what people used to be like. To learn the words and expressions to describe the appearance and personality of people tall, short, outgoing, handsome, funny, humorous… To listen and learn to talk about how people have changed using used to+verb Mario used to be really short. He used to wear glasses. Paula used to be really quiet. What does she look like ? What is she like ? Appearance Personality Angelababy short / long straight / curly black / brown / blonde hair build thin of medium build heavy, big, strong height tall of medium height short How can we describe people’s appearance? Appearance Personality friendly humorous brave outgoing silent quiet serious active helpful funny lovely How can we describe people’s personality? in the past now Zhang Ziyi is tall now. But she was very short in the past. Zhang Ziyi used to be short. used to: 过去曾经的习惯或常有的行为而现在不再有 used to be + adj. used to do In the past He is of medium build. He has long hair. He used to be short. He used to have short hair. She is outgoing. She has long curly hair. In the past She ___________ be quiet. She ___________ have short straight hair. used to used to Beckham Beckham used to _______ very playful (爱玩耍的). He used to _____ blonde hair. be have Can you describe Bob’s friends? I’m Bob. Amy Tina Mario Listen. Bob is see



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