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unit04_newwords New Words <1>impression n. [C] an opinion or feeling about sb. or sth. 印象 He has made a good impression on me. 他给我留下了很好的印象。 My first impression of him was favorable. 我对他的第一印象很好。 <2>conscious a. 1. noticing or realizing sth. 有意识的;意识到的 The children were conscious of their mother's unhappiness. 孩子们意识到了母亲的不快。 I became conscious of someone watching me. 我意识到有人在看着我。 2. awake and knowing what is happening around 清醒的;有知觉的 The patient was conscious. 这位病人处于清醒状态。 He was found lying beside the road, covered in blood but still conscious. 人们发现他躺在路边,浑身上下都是血,可神志还是清醒的。 <3> consciously ad. aware of having done sth. 有意识地;有知觉地 I don't think she's consciously rude to everyone. 我想她不是有意对大家无礼的。 He did not consciously remember meeting her. 他不记得见过她。 <4>reaction n. [C] the way a person or thing responds to sth. 反应 What was his reaction to your idea? 他对你的想法有什么反应? Culture often influences our reaction to events. 文化往往影响我们对各种事件的反应。 <5>range vi. vary between certain limits (在一定范围内)变动,变化 Prices range from $10 to $25. 价格从10美元到25美元不等。 There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18. 共有120名学生,他们的年龄从10岁到18岁不等。 1. [sing.] the area of power, responsibility, etc. that sb. has (职责等的)范围 I would like to help, but what you ask is out of my range. 我很想帮忙,但你问的事是我所不知道的。 When he was criticized, he said it was outside his range of responsibility. 批评他时,他说这事超出了他的职责范围。 2. [sing., U] the distance over which sth. can be sent, heard or seen (视觉、听觉的)范围;射程 The enemy were within range of our guns. 敌人处在我们大炮的射程之内。 The plane has been out of the range of our vision. 我们已经看不见飞机了。 <6>introduction n. 1. [C] the act of telling people each other's names when they first meet 介绍,引见 He made the self-introduction and everyone shook hands with him. 他作了自我介绍,大家都与他握了手。 Our first speaker needs no introduction. 我们的第一位发言者就不必介绍了。 2. [U] the act of bringing sth. into use for the first time 引进,采用 The introduction of new methods increased the efficiency greatly. 新方法的采用大大提高了效率。 With the introduction of new drug


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