
Can Japanese Language and Culture be PC日本语言和文化可以成为个人电脑.ppt

Can Japanese Language and Culture be PC日本语言和文化可以成为个人电脑.ppt

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Can Japanese Language and Culture be PC? 日本語?日本文化は「政治的に正しく」なりうるか。 Norio Ota Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics York University 言葉狩り linguistic witch-hunt 精神薄弱(児) 精薄児 精薄* ‘feeble-minded (child) 投薬 ‘apply/prescribe medication’ 投 ‘throw at’      ‘present’ 知的障害(児) 知障児? 知障? ‘mentally disturbed (child)’ 与薬 ‘give medication’ 与 ‘bestow, confer’ senior junior Non-PC Vocabulary 一覧表 Sub-classification of Terms Replacing terms with potentially discriminatory equivalent 特殊学級(教育) special class for mentally retarded children 私生児 child out of wedlock 娼婦 whore 二号?妾 mistress 養老院 home for the aged 合いの子 half-breed 精神異常 mentally deranged 障害児学級(教育)class for mentally challenged children 非嫡出児 illegitimate child 売春婦 prostitute 愛人 lover 老人ホーム old people’s home ハーフ half 精神障害 mental disorder Rephrasing resulting in meaning change 滑り止め stopgap 連れ子 child by former marriage 内縁の妻 common-law wife 猫糞?ねこばば embezzle 不治の病 incurable disease 藪医者?やぶ医者 quack せむし hunchback 併願 multiple application ~さんの長男 ...’s oldest son 同居の~さん Ms … living together 知らん顔 look unconcerned 重病 serious illness 医師 doctor 体の不自由な人?猫背 physically challenged person, stoop Terms replaced with explanations and descriptions おし mute 奇形児 deformed child 教護院 child correctional institution 混血児 half-breed child つんぼ deaf 浮浪児 waif めくら判 rubber-stamp 口の利けない人 person who cannot speak 肢体の不自由な子供 child who have trouble in the limbs 児童自立支援施設 facility to support children’s self-sustenance 母(父)が何人の国際児童 international child whose mother (father) is …. 耳の不自由な人 person who has trouble in hearing 路上生活の子供 child who lives on a street よく調べずに判を押す stamp without checking carefully ????????? カエルの子はカエル What is born of a cat will catch mice. 帰化 naturalization 興信所 detective agency 共稼ぎ dual earning 獣医 vet バーテン bartender (abbr.) 八百屋 greengrocer 乞食 beggar 子は親に似る A child takes after the parents. 国籍取得 acquiring citizenship 信用調査会社 credit research company 共働き dual working 獣医師 veterinarian バーテンダー bartender 青果業 vegetable and fru



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