
Capitolo 6 Central Connecticut State Universitycapitolo 6中央康涅狄格州立大学.pptx

Capitolo 6 Central Connecticut State Universitycapitolo 6中央康涅狄格州立大学.pptx

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Capitolo 6 IL PASSATO REMOTO The passato prossimo is used for the recent past, the passato remoto is used to talk about actions that took place in a relatively distant, or remote past.?? In contemporary Italian, the passato remoto has become a literary tense.?? You will find it in fairy tales, short stories, and novels – and describing historical events in non-fiction biographies, histories, and encyclopedia articles. -ARE -ERE -IRE AI EI (ETTI) II ASTI ESTI ISTI O` E` (ETTE) I` AMMO EMMO IMMO ASTE ESTE ISTE ARONO ERONO (ETTERO) IRONO Cecilia and her mother went to the store. Cecilia e sua madre andarono al negozio. They believed in many things. Credettero (crederono) in molte cose. We finished to study. Finimmo di studiare. There are three types of passato remoto verbs: those with regular forms, following a pattern of endings that only vary slightly among verb classes (-are, -ere, and -ire), including verbs like parlare, credere and finire. those with completely irregular forms, such as essere and avere those with partially irregular forms, that is, a combination of regular and irregular forms, in verbs such as fare, dare, vedere, and leggere. In these verbs, the io, lui/lei, and loro forms are irregular - following a pattern of stem changes established by the io form, while the tu, noi and voi forms are regular ? regular totally irregular partially irregular ? parlare credere finire Essere Dare fare Stare avere scrivere io parlai credei finii fui Diedi (detti) feci Stetti ebbi scrissi tu parlasti credesti finisti fosti Desti facesti Stesti avesti scrivesti lui/lei parlo crede fini fu Diede (dette) fece Stette ebbe scrisse noi parlammo credemmo finimmo fummo Demmo facemmo Stemmo avemmo scrivemmo voi parlaste credeste finiste foste Deste faceste Steste aveste scriveste loro parlarono crederono finirono fossero Diedere (dettero) fecero stettero ebbero scrissero Check out the regular verbs. You see that the endings are very similar from one verb class (-are, -ere


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