
Causes of WWI – MANIA!第一次世界大战–躁狂症的原因.ppt

Causes of WWI – MANIA!第一次世界大战–躁狂症的原因.ppt

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World War I Notes Causes of WWI – MANIA! Militarism - policy of building up a strong military to prepare for war Alliances – agreements between nations to provide aid and protect one another Assassination – of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand Imperialism – when one country takes over another country economically and politically. Nationalism – extreme pride in one’s country Militarism 1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures France 10% Britain 13% Russia 39% Germany 73% Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Entente Nationalism Congress of Vienna, 1815: The principle of nationalism was ignored in favor of preserving the peace. Germany and Italy were left as divided states, but strong nationalist movements and revolutions led to the unification of Italy in 1861 and that of Germany in 1871. Another result was that France lost Alsace-Lorraine to Germany, and regaining it was a major goal of the French. Nationalism posed a problem for Austria-Hungary and the Balkans, areas comprised of many conflicting national groups. Serbia’s strong Pan-Slavism and Russias willingness to support Serbia conflicted with Austria-Hungarys Pan-Germanism. Imperialism Great Britain, Germany and France needed foreign markets after the increase in manufacturing caused by the Industrial Revolution. These countries competed for economic expansion in Africa. Although Britain and France resolved their differences in Africa, several crises foreshadowing the war involved the clash of Germany against Britain and France in North Africa. In the Middle East, the crumbling Ottoman Empire was a tempting target to Austria-Hungary, the Balkans and Russia. European Conquest of Africa The “Spark” Assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie at Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28th, 1914. Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand who believed that Bosnia should belong to Serbia. Domino Effect Austria blamed Serbia for Ferdinand’s



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