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巴格达婚礼自杀爆炸事件死亡人数上升为23 (Death Toll in Suicide Attack on Baghdad Wedding Party Rises to 23) 伊拉克官员说,星期二在巴格达一个什叶派穆斯林婚礼上发生的自杀汽车炸弹事件中死亡的人数上升到23人。死者中有9名儿童。爆炸发生时,人们正在一所住宅外面准备参加婚礼。11人当场死亡,后来又有12人伤重不治。另外,伊拉克警方说,他们星期三在巴格达又发现了至少8具尸体。 另一方面,美国军方表示,一名美军士兵星期二在伊拉克西部安巴尔省的战斗中阵亡,致使10月份在伊拉克死亡的美军人数上升到104人,成为2003年美国部队进入伊拉克以来美军死亡人数第四多的一个月。 Iraqi officials say the death toll from a suicide car bomb attack on a Shiite wedding in Baghdad on Tuesday has risen to 23. Nine children were among those killed in the blast, which occurred outside a house in northern Baghdad as wedding guests gathered for a reception. Eleven people were killed on the spot, and 12 others later died of their wounds. Separately, Iraqi police say they found the bodies of at least eight people in Baghdad Wednesday. In another development, the U.S. military says an American soldier was killed in combat Tuesday in western Iraqs Anbar province. The number deaths rose to 104 of U.S. troops killed in Iraq in October, making it the fourth deadliest month for American troops since the Iraq invasion in 2003. 韩国总统:首尔将同朝鲜保持友好关系 (South Korean President: Seoul Will Maintain Friendly Relations with North Korea) ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 韩国总统说,尽管平壤上个月进行了核试验,但韩国仍将同朝鲜保持友好关系,确保朝鲜半岛的和平。 卢武铉总统星期四在首尔强调了同朝鲜保持工作关系以确保韩国自由与稳定的重要性。 平壤上个月进行核武器试验,加剧了地区紧张。在强大的外交压力下,朝鲜本星期同意重返为结束朝鲜核项目而进行的六方会谈。 美国驻韩国大使星期四表示,即使平壤重返会谈,联合国成员国仍然应当继续执行由于朝鲜核试验而对这个封闭的政府所采取的制裁措施。 South Koreas president says his country will maintain friendly relations with North Korea to ensure peace on the Korean peninsula, despite Pyongyangs nuclear test last month. Speaking in Seoul Thursday, President Roh Moo-hyun stressed the importance of maintaining working relations with the North to secure South Koreas freedom and stability. Tensions in the region spiked last month when Pyongyang tested a nuclear weapon. Under intense diplomatic pressure, North Korea agreed this week to return to six-nation talks aimed at ending its nuclear program. The U.S. amba


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