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CONTENT   PARTS OF ALL OF US   THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY   A GATHERING: CHICAGO   THE STORY OF WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?   Having Cheese Makes You Happy   The More Important Your Cheese Is To You The More You Want To Hold Onto It   If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct   What would you do if you werent afraid?   Smell Your Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old   Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find A New Cheese.   When You Move Beyond You Fear, You Feel Free.   Imagining Myself Enjoying The Cheese, Even Before I Find It, Lead Me To It.   The quick you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.   It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In A Cheseless Station.   Old Beliefs Do Not Lead You To The New Cheese.   When You See That You Can Find New Cheese, You Change Course.   Noticing Small Change Early Helps Adapt To Bigger Change That Are To Come.   The Handwriting On The Wall   Move With the Cheese and enjoy it!   A DISCUSSION: LATER THAT SAME DAY   ABOUT THE AUTHOR   ·ABOUT THIS BOOK   ? Dr. Spencer.Johnson PARTS OF ALL OF US   The Simple and The Complex   The four imaginary characters depicted in this story --   the mice: Sniff and Scurry, and   the little people: Hem and Haw --   are intended to represent the simple and the complex parts of ourselves,   regardless of our age, gender, race, or nationality.   Sometimes we may act like   Sniff   Who sniffs out change early, or   Scurry   Who scurries into action, or   Hem   Who denies and resists change as he fears it will lead to something worse, or   Haw   Who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing leads to something better!   Whatever parts of us we choose to use, we all share something in common:   a need to find our way in the maze   and succeed in changing times.   CONTENTNEXT   ? Dr. Spencer.Johnson The Story Behind the Story   by Kenneth Blanchard, Ph.D.   I am thrilled to be telling you the story behind the story of Who Moved My Cheese? because it means the book


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