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沙漠中的珍珠—金字塔的光辉 摘 要 埃及是世界文明之一,在这里孕育着璀璨的历史文化,其中最具代表性的便是埃及金字塔。它可称为世界建筑史上的一大奇迹。金字塔不仅是埃及古代历史的有力见证,也同样为后人研究埃及的文明提供了可靠地实物资源。古埃及金字塔盛行于古埃及的古王国时期和中王国时期,数千年过去了,它成为了研究埃及历史最有力的见证。 本论文便是结合有关于古埃及金字塔的历史对金字塔作了一个相关的论述,论文主要包括摘要、正文、总结三大部分。正文共有四个小节,第一节是对金字塔的一个基本概括,包括其发展演变过程;第二节主要是介绍三座著名金字塔。第三节阐述的为金字塔的营建过程,其中包括它的建造方法;第四节主要是分析金字塔建造的原因,以展示当时埃及法老的宗教观念以及建造金字塔的伟大历史意义。 关键词:古埃及;金字塔;陵墓 Abstract Egypt is one of the world civilization , where pregnant with splendid history and culture , which is the most representative of the Egyptian pyramids. It may be called a miracle in the history of world architecture . Pyramid is not only a testament to the history of ancient Egypt , the Egyptian civilization also study for future generations to provide a reliable physical resources. Prevalent in ancient Egyptian pyramids of ancient Egypt s Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom period, the number of years have passed , it not only survive , but also to have a world to leave a mystery , it is waiting for the scientific development for the world it presents one of the some of the world myth. This paper is about the ancient Egyptian pyramids combine history pyramid made a related discussion papers including abstract , text, summarize three parts. There are four body sections , the first section is a basic summary of the pyramid , including its development and evolution ; Section is to introduce the three famous pyramids . Section III describes the process for the construction of the pyramid , including its methods of construction ; fourth is to analyze the cause of the pyramid built to demonstrate the concept of religion and the construction of the Egyptian pharaoh was the great historical significance of the pyramid. Keywords : ancient Egypt ; pyramids ; tomb 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 引 言 1 一 古埃及墓葬的演变及金字塔的出现 1 (一) 最等墓穴 1 (二) 中级墓葬 2 (三) 马斯塔巴墓 2 (四) 石窟墓 2 (五) 金字塔 2 二 三大金字塔 3 (一) 胡夫金字塔 3 (二)哈佛拉金字塔及狮身人面像 4 (三)孟考拉王金字塔 5 三 金字塔建造过程 5 (一) 石材的来源 5


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