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考博英语summary的典型语句练习 一.介绍作者的观点和研讨课题内容的语句4 X7 K% v9 _# `; 1. 文章内容与作者观点的常用语句+ K: t* r6 ?# (1)论及了此晶体的物理、化学性质 , u d) `! O( P6 d, vPhysical and chemical properties of this crystal are reported. + t; }. e/ e) O( k H; H5 c# f(2).简述了性能目标与测量方法 / |+ h2 v* n( B# RThe performance goals and its measuring methods are briefly described. v. ` ~2 {% P9 b: {(3).临界实验解释了由中子引起铀核的链式反应 : [6 Q! a) Z9 h( {, _The chain reaction caused by the uranium nuclei is explained in the critical experiment. , y??U: u) F6 r. S, |8 p(4).说明了这种技术对核探测的应用 7 {0 i0 y2 o: n- T L! H/ _ JThe application of this technique to nuclear detection is described.9 d; C7 t3 k6 M7 v (5).立即引入了研究与开发的工具4 M6 G??\2 G% B5 g Research and development tools are induced immediately. 9 P4 ]: w9 _0 ^ \ T8 R9 _ (6).给出了基本概念与收集的数据8 `+ ^* ^/ V9 v. r; ? k6 I [ i Basic ideas and data collected are given.- F* N- u Y, N 2. 文章研究课题的常用语句 9 B4 p: O) p7 b {(1).用这种超低频测量分析了主要的实验问题% N! L$ V: H. [% u2 M2 A The main experimental problems are analyzed with the ultra-low-frequency measurements. 7 `2 _) e/ g??G1 T; u9 z(2).与破损阶段有关的现象被认为是初始条件7 S7 D4 B/ o( k6 i3 T0 \! Y, J Phenomena associated with the breakdown phase are regarded as the initial conditions.0 ^ H c# K8 J) U. [! C6 M9 B (3).导出了混凝土结构相互作用的集总参数 . j+ }+ Y/ \0 o2 C, k- \Lumped parameter of the concrete-structure interaction is derived $ G6 F {) }: E, [6 `0 u `; X7 E7 @6 c (4).简要的讨论了反应堆里两相流的一些应用 , y Q; k2 u; v9 ~Applications of the two-phase flow in the reactor are briefly discussed.; B??_ N) o6 V6 K3 f# I1 ^ M (5).对一特定系统进行了数值性研究 7 S1 ] }5 C4 W ?0 e0 FA particular system is investigated numerically.+ L T( K) S V ~ (6).简述了自然界中质量与能量之间的关系1 C- G3 w??j! i u e, R Relationship between mass and energy in nature is briefly described.# m( f( E* r. P$ Z! E0 V (7).研究了这个函数在某一边界条件下的连续性 A* Y8 ] z0 l) DThe function continuity under a certain boundary is studied. 2 S7 z+ X) T4 h4 i$ y* L6 T, N: O6 F3. 文章涉及范围的语句/ Q1 |! l4 H! y- Z/ `% Q (1).本文由引言、理论、实验方法与结论四部分组成/ g8 \* [! O. n This paper consists of 4 parts: introduc


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