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2005-3-1 西安电子科技大学ISN国家重点实验室 朱畅华 chhzhu@xidian.edu.cn 第八章 网络设备测试 测试标准及路由器测试 目标: 了解相关标准 学习路由器的常用指标及测试方法 主要内容 1 相关标准 2 测量方法概述 3 路由器的性能指标 4 路由器性能测试 5 测试实例 1 相关标准 RFC2544 (Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices) RFC2889(BenchmarkingMethodologyforLANSwitchingDevices) YD/T1156-2001《路由器测试规范-高端路由器》 YD/T1098-2001《路由器测试规范-低端路由器》 YD/T1141-2001 千兆比以太网交换机测试方法 YD/T1142-2001 IP电话网守设备技术要求及测试方法 YD/T1072-2000 IP电话网关设备测试方法 YD/T1075-2000 网络接入服务器(NAS)测试方法 YD/T1171-2001 IP网络技术要求—网络性能参数与指标 相关标准-续 YD/T1251.1-2003 路由协议一致性测试方法——中间系统到中间系统路由交换协议(IS-IS)   YD/T1251.2-2003 路由协议一致性测试方法——开放最短路径优先协议(OSPF)   YD/T1251.3-2003 路由协议一致性测试方法——边界网关协议(BGP4)   YD/T1260-2003 基于端口的虚拟局域网(VLAN)技术要求和测试方法 YD/T1033-2000 传输性能的指标系列 YD/T1091—2000 56kbit/s调制解调器接口及传输性能技术要求和测试方法 Request for Comments: 2544 Network Working Group, Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices, S. Bradner, Harvard University, J. McQuaid, NetScout Systems, March 1999 This document discusses and defines a number of tests that may be used to describe the perfo-rmance characteristics of a network intercon-necting device. In addition to defining the tests this document also describes specific formats for reporting the results of the tests. RFC2544 Benchmarking tests 1: Throughput Definition: The maximum rate at which none of the offered frames are dropped by the device. 详见:RFC 1242 吞吐量测试可以确定被测试设备(DUT)或被测试系统(SUT)在不丢弃包的情况下所能支持的吞吐速率。 二分法 Throughput test---Procedure Send a specific number of frames at a specific rate through the DUT and then count the frames that are transmitted by the DUT. If the count of offered frames is equal to the count of received frames, the fewer frames are received than were transmitted, the rate of the offered stream is reduced and the test is rerun. The throughput is the fastest rate at which the count of test frames transmitted by the DUT is equal to the number of test frames sent to it by the test equipment. RFC2544 Benchmarking tests 2: Latency Definition: For store and for


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