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Learning Aims 1. 初步了解形容词比较级的有关知识。 2. 练习用比较级描述人和物。 3.情感目标:正确评价别人,学会尊重别人 ,与别人友好相处。 Test yourself 一、写出下列各形容词的比较级 short thin * * * 河南省汝南双语学校 刘志勇 Tel: E_mail: * * * * Unit 2 I’m more outgoing than my sister. (Section A 1a – 1c) made by Zheng Hongjuan Go over comparative degree. Task 1 tall ——taller quiet——quieter nice ——nicer thin ——thinner heavy ——heavier outgoing ——more outgoing ( +er ) ( +r ) ( 双写+er ) ( y?i+er ) (more+) big beautiful large hot busy popular much good shorter thinner bigger more beautiful larger hotter busier more popular more better Task 2 Talk about people with comparative degree. 比较级句型结构: 主语+谓语动词+adj./adv. 比较级+ than+ 对比成分 Pay attention to 用比较级进行比较时,前后用以对比的必须是 同类事物。 e.g. My hair is longer than hers. Pan Changjiang is shorter than Liu Xiang …taller… …funnier… …heavier… …younger… …older… …stronger… …more outgoing … Liu Xiang Pan Changjiang Check yourself long hair longer short hair shorter I have longer hair than him/he. He has shorter hair than me/I. Please describe people with comparative degree. young younger old older She is younger than him/he. He is older than her/she. she he quiet quieter outgoing more outgoing Huang Hong is quieter than Zhao Wei Zhao Wei is more outgoing than Huang Hong 黄红 赵薇 cute cuter The boy is cuter than the girl. the girl the boy small eyes smaller big eyes bigger Bi Fujian has smaller eyes than Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei has bigger eyes than Bi Fujian. 毕福剑 赵薇 tall taller short shorter Tom Lucy Tom is taller than Lucy. Lucy is shorter than Tom. 1a Match each word with its opposite. tall loudly thin short hair long hair heavy quietly short 1c Pairwork A: That’s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t.


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