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延 边 大 学 ( 二〇一二 年 五 月 摘 要 随着智能手机的快速发展,Android(安卓)已经成为世界主流智能手机的操作系统,其全世界的市场份额已经超过50%,打败了一直处在霸主地位的以诺基亚为主的Symbian(塞班)系统和近期上升势头比较强势的IOS,成为了全世界使用人数最多的智能手机操作系统。 由于Android系统的开源性, 所以安卓系统的市场就是移动互联网的一个软件的入口,谁能占领这个入口那么随之带来的就是各种资源和利益,互联网上的“Android应用市场”已经出现了三四百款,流量比较大的也有二三十款产品,每个市场都对产品可能有着不同的要求, 这给安卓平台的产品和运营人员的工作带来了很大的困难。 在这种环境下国内的市场竞争很激烈,Android应用市场出现同质化、碎片化、应用市场,应用开发者的盈利等问题急需解决,本文通过SWOT分析法以上述问题给出了解决方案。创新和符合消费者需求才是解决问题的唯一答案。 关键字:Android;移动互联网;开源;安卓应用市场;生态链;盈利模式; Abstract With the rapid development of smart phones, Android has become the worlds major smartphone operating system, the worlds market share has more than 50%, defeat has been in the hegemonic position of the Symbian-based Nokia and the recent upward trend of strong IOS,so that has become the world s most widely used operating system of smart phone. Due to the open source, the market of Android has been the entrance of the Internet software.Who occupied the entrance, then, who get a variety of resources and interests.Android applications market on the Internet there have been three or four hundred models, the relatively large flow also have twenty or thirty products.each marketmay have different requirements from products.It caused many difficult problems to the products and operations staff of Android platform. In this environment, the domestic market competition is very intense.Android application market has many problems. Such as homogenization, fragmentation, the problem of profitability of the application developers and application marke.It need to be resolved immediatly.this paper through the SWOT analysis gives a solution to the above problems. Innovation and meet consumer demand is the only answer. Keyword: Android;mobile Internet;Open Source;Android application market; ecological chain;profit pattern; 目 录 引言 1 第一章 中国移动互联网现状 2 第二章 Android的发展分析 4 2.1 Android发展历程 4 2.2 诺基亚的没落 7 2.3 Android市场占有率 8 第三章 Android特


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