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Lesson Fourteen The Listener John Berry   一位几乎与世隔绝的八旬灯塔看管人,与一位三流小提琴手不期而遇。小提琴手为了躲避即将来临的暴风雨,来到老人的灯塔里,受到热诚的欢迎与款待。灯塔之外狂风怒号,掀起阵阵巨浪;灯塔内,老人从容不迫地履行自己的职责,泰然自若地与客人交谈。小提琴手端详着老人,情不自禁地拿出他心爱的乐器,在汹涌澎湃的暴风雨伴奏之下,为老人演奏了贝多芬的名曲。从未见过小提琴,不知音乐为何物的老人频频点头,完全理解乐曲反映出的思想感情,小提琴手找到了知音。   1 Once there was a little concert violinist named Rudolf, who lived in Sweden. Some of his friends thought he was not the best of musicians because he was restless; others thought he was restless because he was not the best of musicians. At any rate, he hit upon a way of making a living, with no competitors. Whether by choice or necessity, he used to sail about Scandinavia in his small boat, all alone, giving concerts in little seaport towns. If he found an accompanist, well and good; if not, he played works for unaccompanied violin; and it happened once or twice that he wanted a piano so badly that he imagined one, and then he played whole sonatas for violin and piano, with no piano in sight.   2 One year Rudolf sailed all the way out to Iceland and began working his way around that rocky coast from one town to another. It was a hard, stubborn land; but people in those difficult places do not forget the law of hospitality to the stranger — for their God may decree that they too shall become strangers on the face of the earth. The audiences were small, and even if Rudolf had been really first-rate, they would not have been very demonstrative. From ancient times their energy had gone, first of all, into earnest toil. Sometimes the local schoolteacher, who reminded them of their duty to the names of Beethoven and Bach and Mozart and one or two others whose music perhaps was not much heard in those parts, collected them. Too often people sat stolidly watching the noisy little fiddler, and went home feeling gravely edified. But they paid.   3 As Rudolf was sailing from one town to the next along a sparsely settled shore, the northeast turned black and menacing. A storm was bearing down upon Iceland. Rudolf was



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