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UNIT 1 The Winner’s Guide to Success Motivational experts reveal what drives them 成功者的成功之路 励志专家揭示其前进的动力 How do successful people think? What drives them? To find out, I interviewed some of the people most successful in motivating others: top motivational speakers and bestselling authors of “how-to-succeed” books. Here are seven keys to success that they share. 成功人士是怎麽想的?什么在驱动着他们?为了究探原由,我访谈了一些最能成功激励大众的人士:顶尖的励志演说者和 “如何成功”类畅销书的作者们。他们提出了7个关键点。 Take full responsibility. In a society in which people blame everyone from their parents to the government for their failure to get ahead, motivational superstars refuse to buy into the victim mentality. Their credo is “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.” 承担全部责任。在社会上,有的人会将他们的失败归咎于他人,从他们的父母到政府,而励志超级之星们决不接受(他们是)受害人的思想。他们的信条是,“如果没有成功,责任在我。” They realize that when you say someone or something outside of yourself is preventing you from succeeding, you’re giving away your power. You’re saying, “ you have more control over my life than I do.” 他们认识到当你说是自身之外的某件事或某个人阻碍了你成功,就是在举手投降。你是在说,“别人比我更能控制我的人生。” Consider Les Brown. Given up by his parents at birth and labeled “educable mentally retarded” as a child, he had every reason to lose hope. But when a secondary school teacher told him “someone else’ opinion of you does not have to become your reality,” Brown realized that his future lay in his own hands. He went on to become a politician and author, and today earns $20,000 per hour as one of America’s top motivational speakers. 想想Les Brown。一出生就被父母遗弃,孩童时冠以“智力迟钝但尚可教育”,他比任何人都更有理由失去信心。可当一位中学老师告诉他,“别人对你的任何看法都不能成为你的事实,”Brown意识到他的未来掌握在他自己的手中。经过不断努力,他最终成为一个政治家和作家,并且今天作为一个顶级励志演说者每小时能挣20000美元。 Brown understood that you can’t control things in life such as nature, the past and other people. But you can control your own thoughts and actions. Taking responsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do. Brown明白:你无法操控生命中诸如自然、过去和他人等东西,但是可以控制自己的思想和行为。对自己的人生负责是你能够做的最应该做的事情。 Live life “on purpose”. Perhaps what most separates motivational


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