2011酒店管理 谢敏2011酒店管理 谢敏.doc

2011酒店管理 谢敏2011酒店管理 谢敏.doc

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2011酒店管理 谢敏2011酒店管理 谢敏

成人高等教育2013届毕业论文 关于对饭店员工进行礼仪素养培训的思考 学 号: 201144800016 姓 名: 谢 敏 学历层次: 专 科 专 业: 酒 店 管 理 班 级: 2011级酒店管理 指导老师: 胡 军 完成日期: 2012年12月09日 广西工学院成人高等教育 关于对饭店员工进行礼仪素养培训的思考 摘要 当今旅游市场激烈竞争的时代,旅游饭店的硬件已大为改善,日趋完善统一。企业的竞争,归根到底是人员素质的竞争。作为软件的员工素质对饭店服务水平的影响愈来愈重要。而员工的礼仪素质则是反映员工素质的重要方面。为此,各大饭店宾馆都设立了专门培训机构,对员工的服务礼仪进行专门的培训。按照传统的作法,饭店服务礼仪的培训对象只限于一线服务员工,培训的内容也只是让服务人员学习些服务接待方面的礼节。,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,这种只限于对服务人员进行服务礼节培训的观念必须转变。饭店服务礼仪的培训对象应从只限于服务接待人员,扩大到包括各级管理人员在内的全员的培训,培训内容也应打破只注重服务接待礼节的局限。本着培养员工礼仪意识、提高员工礼仪素质的原则,从训练员工基本技能技巧入手,落实到接待服务工作的每一个环节上。Thoughts on etiquette literacy training for the hotel staff Abstract In an era of fierce competition in the market of tourism, tourist hotels hardware has improved, and more and more uniform. Enterprise competition, in fact, is the competition of quality of personnel. The quality of staff , as software, become increasingly important on the level of hotel service. And The staff quality of etiquette is an important aspect of the quality of staff. Therefore, the hotel has set up specialized training institutions, specialized training for the staff manners. In accordance with traditional practice, restaurant service etiquette training is only confined to front-line service employees, and training is only for service personnel to learn the contents of some services reception etiquette. This article analyzes the etiquette literacy training for the staff of the hotel. With the development of the Socialist market economy, this restricted to the service etiquette training service personnel must change. Service etiquette training should be from the services of the hotel reception staff to managers at all levels, should also break the training focused only on the limitations of the service reception etiquette. Train employees sense of etiquette, the principle of improving the quality of employee etiquette, starting from the basic skills training staff, implemented to work on every aspect of re



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