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2013年公共英语三级pets3临考冲刺试卷及答案解析一  SectionI Listening Comprehension   (25minutes) Now lookat question 1. 1. Onwhat day of the week will the magazine arrive? [A]Monday. [B]Tuesday. [C]Wednesday. [D]Thursday. 2. Whatis the man going to do after graduation? [A] Hewill become a teacher. [B] Hewill become a lawyer. [C] Hewill try a lot of jobs. [D] Hehas not decided yet. 3. Whatdo we learn from this conversation? [A] Theman thought the essay was easy. [B] Thewoman had a hard time writing the essay. [C] Thewoman thought the essay was easy. [D]Neither of them has finished the essay yet. 4. Whatdoes the woman mean? [A] Theclerk doesnt like to be bothered. [B] Themachine was just repaired. [C] Shecan teach the man to operate the machine. [D] Theman shouldnt make any more copies. 5. Whats the relationship of the two people? [A]Teacher and student. [B]Father and son. [C]Mother and son. [D]Sister and brother. 6. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? [ A]Receptionist and customer. [B]Waitress and customer. [C]Salesperson and customer. [D]Nurse and patient. 7. Whatare the man and woman talking about? [A]Fashion. [B]Music. [C] Afilm. [D] Abook. 8. Whatwill the man do? [A] Toplay basketball. [B] Togo out for a walk. [C] Togo to the library. [D] Toprepare for the presentation. 9. Whatdoes the man imply? [A] Hecant go now. [B] Hewant to call someone. [C] Hecant wait any longer. [D] Hewants to drink a cup of coffee very much. 10.Whats the woman? [A] Anoperator. [B] Amanager. [C] Astudent. [D] Asecretary. Questions11 ~ 13 are based on the following dialogue between two friendstalking about a tele-gram. 11. Whatdoes the telegram say? [A]Rettura immediately for his parents missed him badly. [B]Return immediately for his aunt is expecting him. [C]Return immediately for something unusual happened at home. [D]Return immediately for his uncle was seriously ill at home. 12. Whywas the man relieved at last? [A]Because the telegram was a false one. [B]Becau



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