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2013年全国职称英语等级考试(理工类)模拟试卷 总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:120分 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 (1)The cylindrical shape of a cactus spanureduces/u/span moisture loss.(  )A lessensB delaysC redistributesD reverses (2)In temperate regions the growth rings on turtles epidermal p1ates span style=text-decoration:underline;reflect/span seasonal variations in growth.(  )A indicateB stimulateC includeD prevent (3)During the 1840#39;s, Dorothea Dix was a 1eader in the movement for the span style=text-decoration:underlinereform/span of prison conditions.(  )A unificationB creationC reviva1D betterment (4)The polar spanuregions/u/span are generally covered with ice and snow.(  )A areasB rocksC mountainsD seas (5)Against the advice of his accountants, Henry Ford span style=text-decoration:underline;regularly/span reduced the price of his early automobiles.(  )A recklesslyB hesitantlyC greatlyD routinely (6)Proper exercise plays a significant role in the span style=text-decoration:underline;rehabilitation/span of patients with various back ailments.(  )A operationB recoveryC castingD relaxation (7)It is not possible for peop1e to span style=text-decoration:underline;remembe/spanspan style=text-decoration:underline;r/span everything that they have thought.(  )A recall B appreciate C repeat D discuss (8)A fossil is uremnant/u of a once-lving organism.(  )A bone B solvent C picture D vestige (9)An expert in any field may be defined as a person who possesses specialized skills and is capab1e ofspan /spanspan style=text-decoration:underline;rendering/span very competent services.(  )A obtaining B mastering C providing D financing (10)Among the men and women who span style=text-decoration:underline;reshaped/span the American working class during the early 1900s


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