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全国教师教育网络联盟入学联考 专升本英语机考复习题库 2013年 一、语法和词汇 (共125题) 1. “I saw that new film yesterday.” “Did you? I ________ it yet.” A.didn’t see B.hadn’t seen C.haven’t seen D.not saw . 2. ________you write your return address on the envelope? A.Had B.Have C.Are D.Did . 3. We ________ supper when a policeman came to the door. A.just have had B.had had just C.have just had D.had just had . 4. By the time the doctor arrived, the man ________ already. A.died B.has died C.had died D.dies . 5. By the time lecture is over, we ________ a lot about the earth. A.shall be learning B.are learning C.would learn D.shall have learnt . 6. The shoes are too small. They ________ be mine. A.can B.can’t C.mustn’t D.may not . 7. Peter ________come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet. A.must B.may C.can D.will . 8. “May I have a look at the picture?” “Yes, you ________.” A.must B.need C.can D.should . 9. She needs a good rest. She’d better ________ until seven tomorrow. A.not to sleep B.go to bed C.not go to bed D.sleep . 10. I haven’t brought my rubber with me. ________I use yours? A.Must B.May C.Need D.Shall . 11. I need one more stamp before my collection________. A.had completed B.completes C.has been completed D.is completed . 12. “________the letter ________ to Mr. Black?” A.Is; being given B.Has; been given C.Will; be given D.Was; given . 13. The river has ________two feet because of the flood. A.raised B.risen C.been risen D.been raised . 14. I think that the book ________ him. A.belongs to B.is belonged to C.is


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