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一、判断正误 Section B (10 marks) Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage. Seed catalogues feature hundreds of different flowering species. For the person just beginning a garden this can be bewildering ,and below are the details of some popular choices, nearly all of which should be sown in the spring . With the exception of busy lizzies , which need a little car, they are all very easy to grow from seed. Dahlias These are sturdy plants bearing showy flowers in a wide range of rather gaudy colours . Sow in a frame in April and plant the seedling out when frosts are over . Dahlias flower throughout the summer and into the autumn .When autumn frosts begin to make them look unhappy , you should dig up the tuberous roots and save them . A frosts-free loft, shed or garage is the ideal place. The following spring you plant the instead of seed again. Lupins Lupins are hardy perennials. This means that the plants will stay in your garden and carry on flowering year after year. Seed sown in April will usually give you some spikes of olours in the first summer, and year by year the plants get bigger and flowering stems get taller and grander . Selective breeding has led to the introduction of some fine, bicoloured varieties in some dazzling shades . The short-lived flowers make a real midsummer spectacle. Busy lizzies Like dahlias , busy lizzes need to be started off under glass, as they cannot stand frost , and planting out is the best done in May. Outdoor flowering ends in September , so beat the frost and bring your favourite specimens indoors to give your home some sinter colour! Indoors they will carry on flowering indefinitely , though you may like to plant them out again when spring returns. Like pansies(below) they do very well in sun or shade , but the soil must be moist. Most varieties grow to a height of only 20 cm or so.


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