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2015年1月31日托福考试阅读真题 Obsecure little known Encompass include Profound intense Comprise consist of Reinforce strength Obsolete out of date Stationary unmove Irreversible permanent Hence therefore Enhance promote Subsequebt later   第一篇: 商业革命   考生回忆:第一篇讲商业革命,就是说随着美国殖民地的建立,各个地区的工嗯呢该向贸易转化。讲到最近一千年商业革命的大背景,后面讲倒数第三个和第二个一千年,许多殖民地,例如埃及,都是用于军事占领,但是随着贸易加强和王权削弱,国王逐渐变成只能控制贸易商品的种类,在之后就变得只能保护土地。总之就是说权利减弱。之后又说在美国,在贸易革命前,贸易权(大概是金钱)只掌握在少部分人手中,但是贸易革命以后让手工工人和一些专业人士也可以接触贸易。   解析:这篇文章属于历史类文章。文章主题明确结构清晰,对背景的描述会比较详尽,不会出现因为背景知识的生疏而严重影响对于文章理解的情况。需要注意的是,必须提前对相关类型的TPO文章的生词熟悉,尽量减少生词恐惧带来的内耗。推荐TPO10的文章TPO 10:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth。   相关背景:   Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth   In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth, Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late 1400s). Among the key factors behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion of trade.   Populations cannot grow unless the rural economy can produce enough additional food to feed more people. During the sixteenth century, farmers brought more land into cultivation at the expense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands). Dutch land reclamation in the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries provides the most spectacular example of the expansion of farmland: the Dutch reclaimed more than 36.000 acres from 1590 to 1615 alone.   Much of the potential for European economic development lay in what at first glance would seem to have been only sleepy villages. Such villages, however, generally lay in regions of relatively advanced agricultural production, permitting not only the survival of peasants but also the accumulation of an agricultural surplus for investment. They had access to urban merchants, markets, and trade routes.   Increased agricultural production in turn facilitated rural industry, an intrinsic part of the expansion of industry. Woolens and te



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