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紧箍咒inhibiting magic phrase 紧密型企业集团tightly-knit groups of enterprises 紧追cling to, shadow, thunder on ones trail 劲射power shot 近海渔业offshore fishery 近水楼台先得月First come, first served; A water-front paviliongets the moonlight first--the advantage of being in a favored position. 进出口商会chamber of import and export trade 进口渗透import penetration 进修班class for further studies 禁渔期closed fishing seasons 禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion whichreleases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment 京剧票友Peking Opera fan 京剧人物脸谱types of facial make-up in Beijing opera 经常项目顺差favorable balance of current account, surplus of currentaccount 经常性贷款commercial lending 经常性支出running expenses 经济林cash tree 经济全球化economic globalization; economic integration 经济失调指数misery index 经济头脑commercially minded people; people with businesssense 经营管理高度科学化的现代化大企业modern big enterprise with highly scientificmanagement system 精简机构streamline government organs 精品competitive products 景泰蓝cloisonné 敬业精神professional dedication; professional ethics 九五攻关State Key Task 95 居委会neighborhood committee; residents committee 局域网local area network (LAN) 举报电话informants hot-line telephone 拒载refuse to take passengers 君子之交淡如水the friendship between gentlemen is as pure ascrystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green 竣工式completion ceremony 卡丁车kart 开发一代,储存一带,预研一代(产品)to develop this generation of products whileresearching on the next generation of products 开放式基金open-ended fund 开工不足enterprises running under their productioncapacity 开工典礼commencement ceremony 开后门under-the-counter deals; offer advantages to onesfriends or relatives by underhand means 开题报告opening speech; opening report, thesis proposal 开小灶give special favor 开夜车burn the midnight oil; work over night 看跌/看涨期权put / call option 看守政府, 看守内阁,过渡政府caretaker cabinet 抗震棚quake-proof shelter 考研take part in the entrance exams for postgraduateschools 考研热the craz



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