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2015考研英语词汇表 accommodate 使适应,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances account 记述,叙述 give a brief account of what has happened accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚 accumulate wisdom accurate 准确的,精确的 an accurate estimate accustom 使习惯于 accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early acquaint 使认识,使了解 activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动 They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed. acute 尖锐的,敏锐的 an acute thinker adhere 黏附,附着 Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another. adjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs adolescent (尤指16岁以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents adverse 不友好的,敌对的 She felt adverse to her husbands friends. aesthetic 美学的,艺术的,审美 an aesthetic theory affliliate 使隶属(或附属)于,使成为会员 a government affiliated company affirm 断言,申明 affirm the truth of a statement aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化 aggravate the declining economy aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon agitate 搅动(液体等) The machine agitated the mixture. alarm 惊恐,忧虑 The bandits scattered in alarm. alert 警惕的,留神的 In our reading we should always be alert for new usages. allege 断言,宣称 The newspaper alleges the mayors guilt. allocate 分配,分派,把...拨给 allocate funds for new projects allied 结盟的,有关联的 allied nations allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱 a housing allowance alternate 交替,轮流 Night and day alternate. amuse 逗乐,逗笑,给...提供娱乐(或消遣) The clown at the circus amused the children. reelection. annoy 使恼怒,使生气 She was annoyed at (with) his lightheard attitude. anonymous 匿名的,无名的 an anonymous letter (phone call) anticipate 预期,预料 The directors anticipated a fall in demand (that demand would fall). apart 成零碎 Such cheap clothes come apart after a few washings. applaud 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好 The audience applauds the performers for three minutes. apply 申请;涂,敷;适用;请求 He applied two coats of paint to the table. appoint 任命,委派 They appointed his father (to be 或as) postmaster. appraise 估量,估计 appraise the infants weight appreciate 感激 I appreciated your help much. appreh



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