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外文文献翻译要求 一、外文文献翻译内容要求: 1.找一篇与建筑相关的外文(英语)资料翻译成中文,英文3000个单词左右,中文2500字左右。 二、外文文献翻译格式要求 1.摘要,关键词:宋体五号(其中“摘要”和“关键词”为宋体4号加粗),行间距设置为20磅,对齐方式选择“两端对齐”方式; 各个关键词之间空一格,最后一个关键词后不加标点; 2.正文题目:采用宋体4号加粗 正文一级标题:采用宋体小4号加粗,行间距设置为固定值20磅,一般采用“1 引言”样式,其中1和“引言”之间用一个空格分开; 正文二级标题:采用小4号加粗,行间距设置为20磅,一般采用“2.1 系统原理”样式,其中1和“系统原理”之间用一个空格分开; 一级标题和二级标题采用“左对齐”方式; 3.正文内容:采用宋体小四号,行间距设置为20磅 6.参考文献:“参考文献”格式同一级标题格式,参考文献内容采用宋体五号,行间距设置为固定值20磅,对齐方式选择“左对齐”方式,其中出现的标点一律采用英文标点; 备注: 外文文献翻译附于开题报告之后:第一部分为外文文献原文(英语)。第二部分为译文(汉语), 2.页面设置:上空3.0cm,下空2.4 cm,左空(订口)3.0 cm,右空2.5 cm,页眉2.0 cm,页脚2.0 cm。格式为:( 注:页眉字体为小5号宋体) 页眉 设计题目名称 页码位置BUILDING ENGINEERING 1 Features of Building Engineering Building Engineering involves a subject of investigating the design, construction and repair of all kinds of buildings through applications of knowledge and techniques of various subjects such as architecture, geology, surveying, soil mechanics engineering mechanics, building materials, building structures, construction machinery and so on. Compared with other industrial products, the architectural product has a series of its own special features that can be presented in the product itself, its construction and management. 1.1 Features of Architectural Product (1) Any architectural product is located in an appointed place and stands on the ground so that it is unmovable. Since different places have different conditions of topography and geology, it is necessary to design its ground base and foundation for each building. (2) Architectural products should be versatile to meet various needs of users, including utilization function,scale, structural form, style, comfort and economy. (3) Architectural products are large in size horizontally or vertically or both. (4) A building is subjected to many types of loading conditions. Besides, it is concerned with the art style, architectural function, structural construction, building material, decorative process, etc. A lot of co



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