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标题:The History of United Kingdom(3/4课时) Teaching Amis: 1. to help students be familiar with the history of the United Kingdom 2. to help students have a command of the basic vocabulary and useful expression; 3. to help students improve their speaking competence on the history of the United Kingdom. Different points and key points: 1. The different invasions by the foreigners to the UK. 2. The dynasties of the United Kingdom. 教 学 内 容 (教 学 时 数: 2 ) Brief Introduction The history of the United Kingdom as a unified sovereign state began with the political union of the kingdoms of England, which included Wales, and Scotland. On the new kingdom, the historian Simon Schama said, What began as a hostile merger would end in a full partnership in the most powerful going concern in the world... it was one of the most astonishing transformations in European history. A further Act of Union in 1800 added the Kingdom of Ireland to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Early Inhabitants of Britain When the Ice Age ended, more than 7,000 years ago, melting ice flooded low-lying lands in continental Europe, creating the English Channel and the North Sea and turning Britain into an island. While set apart from continental Europe, Britain absorbed numbers of immigrants whose descendants would establish an empire incorporating a quarter of the earth`s population. Around 3,000 BC Stone Age people, who lived by farming, arrived in Britain, probably from the Iberian Peninsula. They were followed around 2000 BC by the Beaker people (比克尔人或宽口陶器人) from Holland and Rhineland in Germany, so-called because of their pottery. A more important wave of immigrants was that of the Celts (the Goidels or Gales, the Brythons and the Belgaes) from eastern and central Europe, who arrived in Britain in 700 BC. Those Celts were the ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Welsh, and the Irish. Roman Britain Recorded history began in Britain in 55 BC, when Julius Caesar cross



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