Module 1 第1课时.doc

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Module 1  第一课时 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The machine is ________(load) with clothes. 2.We must use our ________(limit) time to finish this task. 3.When we arrived, we found a note ________(attach) to the door. 4.No one believed the ________(predict) that the world would end on December 21. 5.We started early with his car ________(charge). 6.He was ________(arrest) when the policeman found drugs in his bag. 7.Caught in the act, he had no ________(alternative) but to confess. 8.Britains natural ________(resource) include oil, coal and so on. 9.He was ________(fire) for not coming to work on time. 10.The troop was in the ________(command) of General Brown. 答案:1.loaded 3.attached 4.prediction  5.charged 6.arrested 7.alternative 8.resources 9.fired 10.command Ⅱ.选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空 free of charge, get rid of, use up, run out, carry out, for sure, rely on, in command of, charge... for, switch on 1.We should ________________ some bad habits and develop good ones. 2.Who was __________________ daily business, while our boss was on business? 3.He usually telephones his parents before his money is ______________. 4.The man washes clothes for the visitors coming here ________________. 5.Nowadays, many young people ____________ their parents to live. 6.I think he will come back at 12:00 but I cant say ________. 7.Dont ______________ all your money. Leave some for your study. 8.How much did they ________ you ________ your meal? 9.If you cant see clearly, youd better ____________ the light. 10.We need to ____________ more researches. 答案:1.get rid of command of 3.running out of charge 5.rely on 6.for sure 7.use up 8.charge;for 9.switch on 10.carry out Ⅲ.语法填空 1.They had to return from the hiking in the desert because their food almost ran ________. 答案:out 句意:他们不得不从沙漠中徒步回来,因为他们的食物快要用完了。run out用完,耗尽(常以“物”作主语,为不及物动词词组),符合题意。 2.I offered the ________ suggestions of spending the holiday in the mountains or by the sea. 答案:alternative 解答此题的关键是“or”,“不是去山上就是去海边”,所以最佳答案是al



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