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演讲嘉宾 石峰 ?中国期刊协会会长 Shi Feng President of China Periodicals Association (CPA) 1946年7月出生。1972年5月开始在新闻出版行政管理机关工作; 1982年5月任文化部出版局办公室副主任; 1987年1月任新闻出版署办公室副主任; 1989年12月任新闻出版署办公室主任; 1993年评为编审。在职研究生,主修社会学、政治学。 1995年12月任新闻出版署党组成员兼办公室主任; 2000年党组成员分管报刊工作。 2003年1月至2006年12月,任新闻出版总署副署长。 2005年4月至今,担任国新出版物发行数据调查中心理事长。 2007年2月,在中国期刊协会第四届全国会员代表大会上当选中国期刊协会会长。 China Periodicals Association (CPA) Shi Feng was named president of CPA in February 2007 after a long career in publishing industry. He started his career in 1972 and joined the government Department of Press and Publication. From 1982 to 1987, he was vice Director of the Publication Bureau of the Ministry of Culture. After that, He joined the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) as Vice Director in 1987 and was named Director in 1989. He was promoted as an senior editor in 1993. After college (a degree in politics and sociology) in 1995, Shi became Director of Administration Office, GAPP and in 2003, appointed Vice Minister of GAPP. He retired from GAPP in 2006 and only after a few months, he was elected chairman of the Sino Publication Audit Centre. 克瑞斯?卢埃林 ?国际期刊联盟(FIPP)总裁兼CEO Chris Llewellyn President and CEO of FIPP 2009年10月,克瑞斯·卢埃林任国际期刊联盟(FIPP)总裁兼CEO。早在1998年,他曾担任鲍尔消费媒体集团(前身即Emap消费媒体公司)国际常务董事。? 克瑞斯在大学期间获得了历史、政治和数学学位。毕业之后,他曾在一份地方报社中工作了3年。1980年,克瑞斯以品牌经理人的身份加入了Emap公司,并在那里一直工作了29年。此间,他先后担任该公司消费类杂志营销总监和集团期刊研究处总监等职,并于1992-1998年间担任Emap集团驻法国分公司总经理。? 1996-1998年,克瑞斯担任欧洲杂志协会FEAP主席。1999年,他被任命为FIPP董事会成员,并在2005-2007年间担任FIPP主席一职。 Chris Llewellyn has been the president and CEO of FIPP since October 2009. He was formerly international managing director of Bauer Consumer Media (formerly Emap Consumer Media) since 1998.? After college (a degree in History, Politics and Math), and three years marketing regional newspapers, he joined Emap in 1980 as a brand manager. At various times in his 29 years there he was marketing director of the Consumer Magazine division, group research director of Emap PLC, and between 1992 and 199


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