Sports Management Minor Essay (UFC Case) Deakin t1 2013.docx

Sports Management Minor Essay (UFC Case) Deakin t1 2013.docx

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MMS714: Sports ManagementManagerial Assessment 1Case Analysis:Tainsky, S., Salaga, S. Santos, CA. (2012) Determinants of Pay-Per-View Broadcast Viewership in Sports: The Case of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 27. pp. 43-58.Minor EssayTitle:From Ultimate Fight Championship to Ultimate Cash Machine:Revealing the Variables Affecting Consumers DemandsIntroductionIn contemporary society, it appears that every single thing has a life cycle and we cannot effectively avoid to thoroughly go through such cycle within given period of time. Such principle applies specifically to contemporary business context and management practice indeed. While management study seldom outlined a particular category of sports in real-life, the growing attentions of sports entities have substantially emerged since the latter half of last century. One significant attributes to such business situation is that either individual or team sports, appear to inevitably get into the stage of commercialization during its maturity phase. A case of Ultimate Fight Championship was given to develop in-depth discussions and analysis in relation to the notion of the increasing economic benefits of emerging mixed martial arts entities in international context. The case predominantly evaluated and investigated the key factors dominating the increasing economic benefits of such individual emerging sports since the beginning of 21st century. The authors aimed PPV viewership as a financial criteria evaluating UFCs business achievements and have specifically explored attributes which measure and constitute to the remarkable achievements of UFCs operations. This paper attempts to provide further arguments and additional recommendations towards the interrelationships between key variables determining UFCs business operations based on the current research results. Case of UFC: An Individual SportTalking about managements and businesses, people tend to essentially and unconsciously


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