Unit 5 the battle against AIDS.doc

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Unit 5 World AIDS Day ----Dec.1th It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance. - Elizabeth Taylor. Warming-up: a Free Talk How much information do you know about the disease of AIDS? If you have a relative an HIV carrier, what will you do? Text Organization Part 1 (1-2) AIDS treatens so many lives in the US, and has become a very serious problem of American society. Part 2 (3-13) Contrary to the inefficiency of the government, local organizations have emerged to fight against AIDS. Part 3 (14) Conclusion. 1 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed in the United States in the late 1970s. Since then, AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans — half in the past few years alone. Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die. 艾滋病是20世纪70年代末在美国被发现的。 自那时以来,艾滋病已夺走了20.4万多美国人的生命--其中有一半是在过去几年中丧生的。 此外,100万感染艾滋病毒的人当中有18.5万人也将不久于人世。 1.?acquire的意思是“经过自己的努力获得,习得”。如: 只要可能,他们就设法取得殖民地。 Where possible, they tried to acquire colonies.? 讲一种外国语的能力需要花很长时间才能获得。 The skill of speaking a foreign language takes time to acquire.? 2.?require的意思是“要求”。如: 所有植物都需要水分。 All plants require water.? Candidates are required to present themselves fifteen minutes before the examination begins.? 考生应于考试前15分钟到达考场。 3.?inquire的意思是“调查,询问,打听”。如: 他问她够不够暖。 He inquired of her whether she was warm enough.? 我可否问一句你是不是老板? Might I inquire if you are the owner?? immune adjective resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells 免疫的 They were naturally immune to hepatitis B. 他们生来对乙型肝炎免疫。 protected or exempt, especially from an obligation or the effects of something 受保护的;免除的(尤指不尽义务的;不受影响的) They are immune from legal action. 他们免受诉讼。 [predic.]not affected or influenced by something 不受影响的 No one is immune to his immense charm. 无人不受他巨大魅力的吸引。 [attrib.](Biology)of or relating to immunity (生)(与)免



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