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第 _______ 次课 摘 要 授课题目(章、节) Unit Three Text A Is the Internet Really Killing Family Life? 教学主要内容及重点难点: I. Starter: Put the words/expressions in the box into the correct categories II. Discussion: e.g. talking about the Internet III. Text Structure Analysis IV. Language Points Difficult Sentences V. Exercises of Words Sentence Structure VI. Assignments. 内 容 Starter Put the words / expressions in the box into the correct categories. Words / expressions for online shopping: ______________________ Words / expressions for online education:______________________ Words /expressions for online social networking:________________ II. Discussion How do you communicate with your parents when you are away from home? Cues: Internet, chat online 2. Is the Internet cutting into family time? Cues: less time together, online communication III. Text Structure Analysis The passage is composed of four parts: Part I (Para 1) :to state that the internet is not killing family life; Part II (Para 2-4) :to refute the view that society is collapsing because of the technology; Part III (Para 5-9): to demonstrate that the internet is saving family instead of killing it through examples; Part IV (Para 10): to summarize that web technology hasn’t undermined the family relations IV. Language Points Difficult Sentences Language Points collapse ? v. to fail suddenly or completely ; to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart e.g. a) Talks between management and unions have collapsed. b)The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 2) protest ? v. to say or do sth. to show that you disagree with or disapprove of sth., especially publicly n. the expression of strong disagreement with or opposition to sth.; a statement or an action that shows this e.g. It’s no use protesting, I won’t change my mind. 3) facilitate ? v. make easier e.g. The new airport will facilitate tourism. 4) undermine ? v. gradually make sb. or sth. les



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