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E-Jiao 百年荣耀 在上海邂逅 Century glory, encounter in Shanghai 一九一五年东阿阿胶与国酒茅台等名牌荣获巴拿马万国博览会金奖。东阿阿胶正是作为中国中医药的代表,通过一九一五巴拿马国际博览会这一平台蜚声海内外。 Dong-E E-jiao and Chinese Mao-tai got gold medal of World Expo in Panama of 1915. Dong-e E-jiao is the representative of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and (bacame)famous after this pageant. 东阿阿胶的历史 History of ”Dong-E” E-Jiao 上海辞书出版社出版的《辞海》中亦详细指出:“阿胶,古时用山东东阿县的阿井水与驴皮煎熬成胶,故名”。《本草纲目》记载:“阿胶,本经上品”,弘景曰:“出东阿,故名阿胶。”阿胶作为传统滋补佳品,距今已有两千多年的生产历史,阿胶作为具有悠久历史的中药瑰宝,与人参、鹿茸并称为“中药三宝”,自古以来一直被人们奉为滋阴补血之上品。 Ci Hai” which was published by the Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House figures out that, Donkey - hide gelatin which is ‘named E-Jiao because it originates from the ancient water and donkey’s skin in the Shandong Dong E County. Ben Cao Gang Mu (Materia Medica) records:”E-Jiao, the top-grade medicine’ Hong Jing said, “originated from Dong E, so named as E-Jiao” E-Jiao, as best traditional tonic product has a history of more than 2000 years of making. E-Jiao, as a national treasure with age-old history, together with ginseng and deer velvet are called “Three Chinese Medicine Treasures”. Since ancient time, E-Jiao has always been treasured by people as the top best traditional tonic product. 阿胶E-Jiao 阿胶,与人参同列《神农本草经》上品。 李时珍《本草纲目》记载: 阿胶,出东阿,故名阿胶。 E Jiao,classified as top grade tonic together with ginseng in Shennongs Herbal. Lishizhen wrote in Materia Medica E Jiao produced in Dong E, named as E Jiao 阿胶因发祥于山东省东阿县而得名,《神农本草经》滋补上品,称“久服轻身益气”。梁代医学家陶弘景《名医别录》载:“阿胶,出东阿,故名阿胶”,李时珍《本草纲目》中称为“圣药”。自古阿胶与人参、鹿茸并称“滋补三大宝”,常服可滋阴补血,延年益寿。 E-Jiao is named its place of origin, namely, Dong-E County of Shandong Province. It is taken as a top-grade nourishing product in the Shennongs Herbal, and it is said in the book that after having E-Jiao for a long time, one will feel light-weight and energetic. Tao Hongjing, a medical scientist from the Liang Dynasty, wrote in the Appendant Records of Famous Physicians that E-Jiao was originally produced in Dong-E County o


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