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Chapter 10 国际时事
ABM (antiballistic missile) [军] Antiballistic Missile, 反弹道导弹
absolutism??? n. 专制主义
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) n. 美国公民自由协会
Affirmative Action??? n. 平权措施
[详析] as in Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity (AAEO)-- laws mandating increased numbers of women and minorities, especially in employment.
a nightmarish day? 噩梦般的一天
aerosol spray?? n.(用以自卫的)喷雾剂
air base?? n. 空军基地
air raid?? n. 空袭
airborne?? n. 空降部队
[详析]:Soldiers trained to attack from the air, by parachute or helicopter
aircraft carrier?? 航母
air force one?? 美国空军一号
[详析]:any airplane carrying the president
air marshal? 为预防劫机而在客机上设的随机军官
[详析]:a federal marshal who rides commercial flights, armed to prevent hijackings
aircraft carrier?? n. 航空母舰
air piracy?? n. 劫机
air strike?? n. 空袭
all-out attack??? n. 全面进攻
[例句]:The United States and its partners have been urging the opposition to avoid launching an all-out attack on Kabul until a broad-based government can be formed to replace the Taliban.
amendment? n. 宪法、法案等修正案
anarchism? n.无政府主义
anarchist? n. 无政府主义者
Andean Summit? 安第斯集团峰会 (拉美国家)
Anthrax? n. 炭疽
anonymity?? n. 匿名
armada?? n. 舰队
armistice?? n. 停战协议
artillery?? n. 大炮; 炮兵部队
assassination? n. 暗杀, 行刺
asymmetrical warfare?? n. 不对等作战
[详析]:battle between different forces, such as terrorists vs. conventional forces.
attorney general? n. 首席检察官, 司法部长
autocracy?? n. 独裁政治, 独裁政府
axis of evil? n. 邪恶轴心
[详析] 可指以下两方面:
1. countries to be attacked; Bush administration hitlist (currently includes Iran, North Korea, and possibly now Syria -threatening moves against Cuba and Venezuela also made by this regime) 布什政府袭击的黑名单
2. Bush-Cheney-Rumsfield administration 指以布什-切尼-拉姆斯非德为核心的 ‘邪恶轴心’
ballistic missile? n. 弹道飞弹
battalion?? n. 军营;军队
bestial act?? n. 兽行
bigotry? n. 偏见、偏执 、持偏见的行为[态度]等
bill? n. 法案、议案
Bill of Rights?? n.权利和自由法案,美美国宪法前十条修正案
biochemterrorism? n. 生化恐怖主义
biological weapons??? n. 生物武器