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美联储刺激经济增长的能力遭质疑 Questions Arise Over Whether Fed Has Tools to Fix Economy Ben Bernanke encountered a heavy dose of skepticism and doubt here this weekend. 贝南克(Ben Bernanke)上周末遭遇了狂风暴雨般的质疑。 ? ? In a highly anticipated speech on monetary policy Friday, the Federal Reserve chairman argued that the Feds easy-money policies were helping the weak economy and laid the groundwork for more action. 在上周五一次被寄予厚望的有关货币政策的演讲中,美联储(Federal Reserve)主席贝南克说,美联储实施的宽松货币政策为疲弱的经济提供了助力,也为采取更多行动打下了基础。 ? ? But economists and central bankers wondered more openly than usual if the Fed had the tools to fix the problems of the day and expressed frustration that four years of super low interest rates and extraordinary money-pumping by the Fed hadnt done more to spur the slow-moving economy. Associated Press美联储主席贝南克和以色列央行行长费希尔(Stanley Fischer)。但是经济学家和中央银行家们更加公开地对美联储是否拥有解决当前问题的工具表示质疑,他们还表达了对四年超低利率和美联储的大手笔注资未能有效刺激缓慢运行的经济的失望之情。 ? ? Why is it that weve had such incredibly accommodative monetary policy for so long and weve had so little growth? Donald Kohn, a Brookings Institution scholar, asked from the audience after a panel discussion here Saturday. 在上周六的一次小组讨论之后,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的学者科恩(Donald Kohn)作为听众提问说,为什么我们实施了这么长时间的让人难以置信的适应性货币政策,经济增幅还是这么小? ? ? It was a striking question because Mr. Kohn is a former vice chairman of the Fed and was Mr. Bernankes right-hand man during the financial crisis. The headwinds that the Fed often cites─Europe, household debt-reduction, the housing bust─he said were unsatisfying answers. There is a lot we dont understand, he said. 科恩提出这个问题很出人意料,因为他曾担任美联储副主席,在金融危机期间曾是贝南克的得力助手。他说,美联储经常以欧债危机、家庭减债规划、房地产市场不景气等不利因素为理由,但这些答案不能令人满意。他说,有太多东西我们无法理解。 ? ? Were in a world where monetary policy has much less traction, Charles Bean, deputy governor of the Bank of England, said from the audience. 英国央行副行长比恩(Charles Bean)在观众席上说,在当今世界,货币政策的效力远远不如从前。 ? ? In his comments Friday, Mr. Bernanke argued that the Feds two main tools─bond-buying programs known as qu


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