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* Keep your desk clean. * Talk quietly. * Keep to the right. * Take turns. * Keep your room clean. * Tom这位新朋友来到图书馆,你会提醒他注意些什么规则?你们会说些什么?各小组根据情景编写对话,并表演出来吧。 小小交际家 * Test 选择合适的答案。 1.The window is dry.___ it. Go and clean. Goes and clean. Go and cleans A * 选择合适的答案。 2.--What is Grandma doing? --__________ She is sleeping. She sleeps. She is sleep. A * 用所给单词适当形式填空。 1. No ______. (eat). 2. My father is working.Please _____ quietly.(keep) 3.She is _______ to music in the classroom.(listen) eating keep listening * Homework 走进生活 爱丽丝正在家里听音乐,这时妈妈走进她的房间告诉她小声些,因为爸爸在工作。提示词:keep quiet(保持安静) * www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc www.timebook.cc ENGLISH 人教版英语 五年级下册 * Unit 6 Work quietly! Part B * Hello,Mike.Hello,Chen Jie. Hello,hello!How are you? This is Mary.This is willy. Nice to meet you.How are you? I’m fine.I’m fine. Thank you,thank you very much. I’m fine.I’m fine. Thank you,thank you very much. Let’s sing a song . Warm-up * Let’s chant. Do,do,doing morning exercises. Have,have,having class. Eat,eat, eating lunch. Read,read,reading a book. Listen,listen,listening to music. * 单词短语新朋友 Presentation keep保持某种状态 keep to the right靠右 keep your desk clean保持你的课桌整洁 talk quietly 小声讲话 turn 顺序 take turns 按顺序来 * No eating!禁止进食! Talk quietly.小声说话。 Keep your desk clean.保持课桌整洁。 Anything else?还有其他事吗? Here they are.它们在这儿。 Please take turns.请按顺序来。 句子新朋友 * If you’re talking in the library. Please talk quietly. * If you are doing your homework on the desk. Please keep your desk clean. 保持某种状态 * If we are working in the classroom. Work quietly. * Can you show me the English books? OK,here they are. Ahh,talk quietly. * Can I read the books here? Yes.Of course.. Anything else? Yes,keep your desk clean. * Question: 1.What can John do? __________________________________ 2. Can Tom read the books here? ___________________________


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