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科目 课 题 Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part A Let’s learn 课型 新授 集体备课 个性备课 ( 设计者 陈洁 执教者 陈洁 教学对象 学生 课时 一、教材内容分析 ???? 1、教学内容 , noodles, soup,vegetable, vegetables, rice;和表述“What would?you like??I’d like some ,please.OK. yuan,please.”的句型。这些词和句具有紧密贴近学生生活实际和好奇心强的特点。 2、教材所处的地位和作用 在刚刚学过介绍My classroom(unit1)、My schoolbag(unit2)、My friends(unit3)和My home(unit4)的基础上,很自然的引入本单元的学习。本单元重点介绍如何掌握食物、餐具的名称及用餐用语,由于三年级已经接触过一些食物名称的知识,学生对本单元相对容易接受。 二、 words:beef,chicken , noodles, soup,vegetable, vegetables, rice; sentence pattern : What would you like? I’d like some ……,please.OK.……yuan,please. 三、教学目标() 1. Can listen、say、read and write the words:beef,chicken , noodles, soup, vegetable, vegetables, rice; 2. Can grasp the sentence pattern : What would you like? I’d like some vegetables,please.OK.Five yuan,please. 3. Can train students to build their confidence; 4. Can train students to help each other. To arouse the students’interests in English and encourage them to use English bravely and correctly.Help them build up self-confidence and the spirit of co-operation. 四、学习者特征分析 1、教学对象是良教乡联合利华小学四年级学生,学生在三年级已经初步接触和学习过英语,有一定的听、说、读、写能力。并且已经学过rice,fish,juice,milk,bread等单词。 2、学生的个体差异和学习知识的积累不同,在教学中对他们进行合理的引导,注意知识和趣味的结合,一定要养成他们的合作精神和自主学习的能力,从而使学生在轻松愉悦的意境中提高运用英语的能力。 3、学生的自我评价能力和评价的独立性逐渐增强。 4、学生已经养成了较好的英语学习习惯,形成了比较有效的学习策略,对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,充满表现欲,渴望获得更多的锻炼机会。学生思维活跃,肯动脑筋,知识面较广。 五、 教学重点 1)Can listen、say、 read and write the words:beef,chicken , noodles, soup,vegetable, vegetables, rice; (2)Can grasp the sentence pattern : What would you like? I’d like some ,please.OK.Five yuan,please. ? 教学难点 (1)Can understand and grasp the sentence pattern“What would you like? I’d like some ……,please. OK. …… yuan,please. ” (2)Pay attention the words vegetable /vegetables pronunciation correctly. 六、教学策略选择与设计 eaching methods:listen、read、write 、spell method, task method, practice method Learning methods:listen、read、write


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