高中英语 1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案外研版必修1高中英语 1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案外研版必修1.doc

高中英语 1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案外研版必修1高中英语 1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案外研版必修1.doc

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高中英语 1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案外研版必修1高中英语 1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案外研版必修1

新课程外研版高一英语必修1-1.4.3 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood教学教案 课型:New 设计: 审核: 使用: 时间: 月 日 学习札记 ◇预习目标◇ Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the language in this part and train the students in the reading comprehension. 2. Learning to love the new high school life and forming positive attitude towards language learning in new surroundings. ◇问题引导,自我探究◇ Ⅰ、从课文中找到下列各句并译成汉语。 1.I feel very fortunate living here. 2.I’ve seen quite a lot of China and I’ve visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places I’ve been to. 3.Now, we are leaving the business district and approaching the Harbour. 4.Do you think we could stop and walk around for a while? 5.I’m starving! Ⅱ、翻译下列短语。 1.建造,搭起 2.一个很好的小海鲜馆 3.很热 4.在海岸线上 5.…的租金 6.四处走走 7.一会儿 8.对某人友好 9. 高楼大厦 10.一个具有古建筑的小岛 Ⅲ、阅读理解: The leaders of Russia and China vowed to support each others fight against Muslim separatists and urged peaceful solutions in Iraq, during a meeting in Beijings Great Hall of the People on December 2,2002.   Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinas Jiang Zemin signed a joint declaration calling for a multipolar world.   His two-day visit comes shortly after the conclusion of the 16th Patry Cogress which elected the new CPC leadership. Putin said that Russia wants to work hard with the new generation of Chinese leaders.   tion, signed in July last year, has provided a solid legal foundation for lasting friendship for generations to come, according to Jiang, China and Russia will be good neighbours, friends and partners forever.   The Russian Government, in return, said it would continue to give priority(优先权)to relations with China in its foreign policies.   Putin spoke on the morning of DeC.3rd at Peking University and took questions from students on his understanding of Chinese literature, Russian reform(改革)and NATO enlargement.   He said a growing number of young people


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