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江苏省淮海中学2013-2014学年高二上学期期末复习 英 语 试 题(2) 一、单项选择(共小题;每小题分,满分分) 1. — A. wouldn’t be B. hasn’t C. wasn’t D. wouldn’t have been 2. Lu Bingyu is a newcomer from Jiangsu. I suppose it will take her a long while to ________ herself to the new environment. A. devote B. adopt C. adapt D. lead 3. Such productions______ in this factory are also found in that factory. A. that they produce B. that they produces them C. as they produce them D. as they produce 4. __________ the assignment made his father lose his temper. A. The boy’s not having done B. The boy not having done C. The boy’s having not done D. The boy having not done 5. _____ you _____ earlier, all the things ______ in a dreadful mess now. A. If, packed; wouldn’t be B. Had, packed; wouldn’t have been C. Had, packed; wouldn’t be D. If, had packed; wouldn’t have been 6. They were too careless, they didn’t take the important condition into when solving the maths problem. A. entertainment B. training C. account D. accommodation 7. You ____ smoke here, because gas station is where smoking is not allowed. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. won’t D. daren’t 8. It is not immediately clear _______ the flood will soon be away. A. since B. what C. when D. whether 9. to the charity to the mainland, Shao Yefu passed away peacefully at home and is mourned by the nation. A. Devoting B. Devoted C. Being devoted D. To devote 10. ---I think maths is playing a more important part in the new test system. What about you? --- ______. We should be more devoted to it. A. No pains, no gains. B. Fact speaks louder than words. C. Great minds think alike. D. Don’t claim to know what you don’t know. 11. Joseph ______ to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say “What’s your name? ” in Russian. A. has been going B. has been C. has gone D. goes 12. --- was it the dog became mad and began to bite the people? --- Three hours ago. A. When; since B. Wh



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