
PLC风力Word 文档PLC风力Word 文档.doc

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摘 要 风能是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的可再生能源。在众多可再生能源和新能源。 技术开发中,风力发电具有很好的规模化开发条件和商业化发展前景与潜力。近年来,变速恒频双馈风力发电机组成为了风力发电的主流机型。在变速恒频双馈风力发电系统中,风电机组控制系统是机组正常运行的核心,其控制技术是风电机组的关键技术,与风电机组的其他部分关系密切,其精确的控制、完善的功能将直接影响机组的安全与效率。 实际风电场通常位于偏远地区甚至海上,自然条件比较恶劣,因此要求其控 制系统必须能够实现自动化运行,并且要求控制系统有高可靠性。我国目前现有 的控制系统通常是和风机设备一起自国外引进,通用性和兼容性比较差。因此开 发自主的控制系统势在必行。 本文分析了变速恒频双馈风力发电原理和系统结构;推导了双馈发电机的有 功功率、无功功率的关系和无功功率的极限,得出了双馈发电机参与电网无功调 节的范围;研究了最大风能捕获的过程,对直接转速控制法、跟踪最佳功率-转 速曲线法、爬山搜索法、功率滞环比较控制法进行了比较,确定跟踪最佳功率- 转速曲线法作为最大风能捕获的首选方法。 分析了双馈风力发电机组的状态监测系统的监测参数、监测部位及监测方法;本着评估状态和预测故障的目的,对振动信号的监测、处理进行了研究;阐述了小波理论在振动信号分析上优势;对振动报警的判断标准进行了探索,结合风力发电机组的特点,提出了新装风电机组采用绝对标准作为故障判断标准,正常运行了较长时间的风电机组宜采用相对判断标准作为故障判断标准。 基于风力发电机组的主控制器的要求及 PLC 的性能,选择了 PLC 作为实现主控制器的硬件。完成了PLC硬件的选型和配置,对PLC外围的信号输入做了研究。 关键词:风力发电,变速恒频,主控制器,PLC Wind power generation is a sort of inexhaustible and renewable resource. In the development of all kinds of renewable and new resources,the wind power generation has the great potential of scale production andthe commercial development prospect. In variable speed constant frequency doubly-fed wind power generation system, the study of how to control wind power generator torun at optimal rotor speed, namely maximal wind power tracking ,turns into a available approach of enhancing variable speed constant frequency wind power generator operation efficiency. The control system of wind power generators is the core of generators, and has the close affinity withthe other part of wind power generators, whose accurate control and perfect function affect the safety and efficiency of generators. Its controltechnology is one of the key technologies of wind power generators. Wind farms are usually located in remote areas even at the sea, and natural condition is poor, so it is necessary for the wind power generation to realize the automatic running, and that the control system is more reliable. However, the present domestic wind power control systems are mainly purchased from abroad, with poor universality and compatibili


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