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一、 1、The filibuster on voting-rights legislation went on for three days and nights; senators slept when they could on benches in the hall. ×nights; therefore, it meant that senators would sleep when possible. 原句没错,两句完整,罩子没有问题。而下面的选项,it的出现使得主语混乱。 2、The programmers always talked of having too much to do, but in truth they had a lesser amount of work to do than their colleagues. ( they had less work to do than ×their work was the least among 原句繁琐。下面的选项前后主语不一致,而正确选项避免了以上两个问题。 3、In Germany, foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years earlier, even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then. ×earlier without any signs of disease shown then 原句没错,even though是状从罩没有问题。而下面的错误是由于主语不一致加上无缘无故的被动。 4、In the wild, pygmy chimpanzees are found only in an inaccessible region south of the Zaire River, since such is the case, very few are in captivity. ( and so no more than a few are in captivity × and very few are in captivity because of that 原句因为没有罩子所以错了。而错误选择是由于可以变成so的形式,不需要and… because of that. 正确答案中and so是一个罩子。 5、Beginning photographers may choose from among several camera types, there is one which is best for their particular interests. (one of which is ×and one is 原句因为没有罩子错。错误选择中one指代不清。正确答案中看似没有罩,其实one of which就是定从罩which的变体。 6、Enzymes are among the oldest known chemical compounds, as they actually are nonliving protein molecules. (Enzymes, among the oldest known chemical compounds, actually are nonliving protein molecules. 原句错误是因为上下句没有逻辑关系不应该用as。 7、The author, taking the reader on a chronological journey through her native land, skillfully combining history and legend with fragments of fiction. ( The author takes the reader on a chronological journey through her native land, skillfully 譚he reader is taken on a chronological journey through the authorh’s native land by skillfully 原句错误是因为插入句之后还是从句,就没有了谓语。错误选项是因为主语是reader,后面skillfully combining就不是作者而是reader了。正确选项助于统一,谓语正确。 8、Television’s programming difficulties, already mad


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