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crime Positive Obey/abide by/comply with the law Combat crime Drive up the crime rate Respect prisoners’ rights Reform/rehabilitate prisoners Educate prisoners Maintain social order Ensure social stability Resist temptation Refrain from… Release sb. negative Break /violate/disregard the law Condone crime Lower the crime rate Violate prisoners’ rights Abuse prisoners Physically punish prisoners Disturb social order Threaten social order Succumb to temptation Be addicted to… Keep s.b in jail How to Write a Pact/Agreement Written agreements are legal and binding documents that define the obligations of all parties involved, whether it be for a project, good or service. As such, they provide an indisputable record of the agreed upon terms. The law gives great weight to an agreement should disagreements arise later. A written agreement can protect your interests. There are many types of business agreements, but these are the fundamental items to consider when writing any agreement. Pact and rule Pact and rule(公约和规章) Pact(公约)即一定范围内的公共约定的书面形式,是有关人员就某一事情和几件事情经过集体讨论和商议,并征求其他人员的意见后,根据国家的本单位的有关规定,把大家一致达成的意见和打算,指定成的一些准则,这些准则须共同遵守,执行,并随时检查实施情况. Rule(规章)与公约相仿,它也是以明文规定的形式要求有关人员就某一事项须遵守,执行的条文.规章也是要经过有关人员的讨论,征求其他人员的意见后,根据国家和本单位的有关规定,制定出来的. 公约和规章的区别在于:公约是对内的,即公约的制定者也就是公约的执行者,而规章是对外或所有相关人员的,它的制定者和执行者是分离的.所以在写作中要注意行文上的区别. The content of Pact Rule 1. Title 要清晰明确地写出是有关什么事项的公约或规章,该事项的表述既要涵盖有关的主要内容,又要概括,简洁.如:Service Pact of Government Functionaries(国家机关工作人员服务公约), Regulations for Hotel Guest(旅客住宿规定). 2. Body 以分条形式列出,每一条只包含一个内容,但可以涉及同一内容的几个方面.写正文时要注意分列内容之间的逻辑顺序,一般是按照事理的逻辑顺序写,要使每条条文的内容在逻辑意义上互相并列. 3. signature and date 制订的单位及公约或规章的日期. The language of Pact Rule 1.Imperatives 条文多用祈使句.不论公约或规章都是要人遵守的事项,故多用祈使句.如:keep quiet and pay attention to cleanliness, Be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness. 2. Passive Voice 如果用主动语态与You合作,会显得呆板,单调.如:All hotel rules and regulations must be conscientiously complied with. Firearms and ammunition brought alo



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